What Kind of Business Are You In?

in business •  2 years ago  (edited)

Everyone wants to go into business without understanding the ethics of business. They think it's about pulling the funds together or getting a few family members on board. To many, it's the special feeling of telling others that they are the owner of the business that thrills them and not what they seek to achieve with their business.


Starting a business with the sole purpose of making money alone would wreck you. Every business is expected to make money or profit and that's not negotiable but you don't go into business with the sole purpose of making money without understanding the market or seeking ways how to satisfy your customers.

Customer satisfaction should come at the top for any business because how satisfied your customers are would determine the success and growth of your business. I wish I enjoyed that customer satisfaction when I travelled for a friend's wedding in another state. Everything about that hotel was wrong. Being in the hotel business should be about putting welfare and hospitality at the forefront of your business but this owner clearly lacked that.

Their kitchen department in that hotel was terrible and the only food they have is noodles. They have a generator that can power the lights and their fans but nothing else. They didn't even have any cold drink and it was that bad. The fan wasn't blowing as I expected and the AC wasn't working either yet they are charging enough fees for the night.

I confronted some of the staff and they pleaded with me. They vowed that they have spoken to the owner on this matter for weeks and nothing has been done. In fact, the owner just got the place leased and the moment I heard of that, I already knew his intentions. How can you lease a hotel and before you open it for public usage you can't even fix a lot of things with the hotel? Others might say he wants to make some money so he can quickly fix it but in the long run, he would lose more money and customers to this lack of planning.

If you don't spend money on your business you cannot make money. I understand he just got the lease for the hotel but the best would have been to close the place down for a month before opening to others which means he needs to seek additional funds to fix everything that needed fixing.

It could also play to his advantage when he sees all that should be fixed to reduce the amount of money to pay on the lease or extend the time of his lease for a month. Being a good business person means you have to learn how to negotiate too because you are supposed to have your customers in mind, not the money to be made which is the case for this hotel owner.

Your ability to write down your ideas, feedback and seek to improve on them would grow your business even more. Reading @amberlybucci's post titled ["Award Winning Digital Marketer Shares 27 Strategies to Boost Your Business Online"] just nailed the part where satisfying your customer should be a priority.

Share massive value and how you help your customers solve their problems or make their life easier/better.

Yes, customers would always say their minds just to get a better service experience. They are wired to get more value for the money they are giving away, so building with them in mind is the way to go and grow. There is clearly no point in staying in the business that keeps chasing your customers away because you wouldn't take the feedback. It goes for starting something new or something that already existed. Customers move around and they would want to see in a place what they enjoyed in other places but some basic things should never be negotiated as described in the horrific hotel I stayed for the wedding. I wonder what kind of business that hotel is into.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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