Why a Business Must Focus on Quality as Part of the Key Elements of Becoming a Successful Brand - Part 2

in business •  3 years ago 


Quality is one of the key elements that can help a business become a successful brand. We all know that a brand is the perception customers have for a particular business… it is that feeling they get when they come in contact with a business. Quality is crucial to that feeling or positive perception. Who doesn’t like quality… I guess there is no one who doesn’t like quality. Customers will always be drawn to a businesses with quality products. When it comes to a business becoming a brand, quality ranks higher up the list. Looking at the top brands like Apple, Nike, Amazon, they are known for their quality products… One of the biggest pros and the importance of quality in business is that it is one of the key factors as to why customers become recurring customers.

Recurring customers are like the backbone of any business… yes a business can make a lot of sales and profit from new customers, however, it is the recurring customers that determines whether a business will be successful or not on the long term. Some businesses attain short term success… yes, it is very possible because we live in a time where things can go viral via the internet and social media, which can serve as a catalyst to skyrocket a business in a very short time. While a business can attain short term success, not all short term success can stand the test of time or is sustainable – that is why you see a business fade off even after gaining some level of success.


Sustainability is one of the main traits of a brand and one of the biggest advantages of a brand… these top brand have remained sustainable till this day, making continues sales because of both their new customers and their recurring customers… recurring customers are very instrumental to the success of any business. One of the ways to turn a customer into a recurring customer is quality… everyone loves quality because no one wants to burn hard earn money on low quality products. Once a product has quality at a reasonable price, then there is a high chance that customers will always come back for that product. Think of your experience buying a quality product from a particular business at a reasonable price – did you become a recurring customer to that business… I guess yes because humans are always drawn to good things that provide value.

Some businesses today are still operating because of their recurring and loyal customers. Every business owner will always say how difficult it is to gain new customers, that is why the top brands cherish and adore their old and recurring customers and try to do everything possible to keep them. Like I said above, recurring customers are like the backbone of any business, it contributes a large portion for the sustainability of any business. The benefits of quality can never be overemphasized. When a business focuses on quality, it builds trusts in the minds of the customers and we all know how important trust is in business… when customers trust a business, the more likely they will always buy from that business. Quality combined with other elements like consistency and uniqueness, it makes it easier for a business to grow into a successful brand.

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