Why Customer Experience Matters A Lot And How It Can Help Retain Customers And Boost Sales In Any Business

in business •  2 years ago 


I hear a lot of people talk about how important quality products and services matter a lot for the success of any business, but not many people talk about the other aspects of business that play a very crucial role when it comes to a business achieving success. The success of any business comes from the coming together of many factors that helps a business achieve success. As far as success of a business is concerned, customers are the main reason that determines whether a business will be successful or not. With that said, retaining customers and increasing sales are crucial. One of the many factors that help a business retain customers is customer experience.

This is something that not many people talk about as often as they should but rather focus mainly on quality. Yes quality is super important, in fact quality is still one of the factors when we talk about customer retention and boosting sales, however, it is not only about quality. There are other factors that also need to be in place as well. Yes everyone loves quality but there are people that will take 80% quality but with total happiness than 100% quality without happiness. We have to understand this. There are people who turndown the best business because of bad experiences and go for the alternatives even if the alternatives may not be as good as the best business.


This is the reality… people will rather go for a lesser quality product but are happy with the overall experience that go for a better business which doesn’t treat their customers right. I’m an example of that… I have stopped patronizing a few businesses simply because their customer service were extremely poor… yes, they might be very good at what they do in terms of products or service, but I prefer the total package when patronizing any business. I tell people this a lot… the experience customers get from a business is precious and can skyrocket a business.

Customer experience can also mean user experience. A customer can purchase a product, software and end up having a very bad experience using the product… that customer would most likely not come back to buy from that business. When a customer has an amazing experience using a product, that customer would most likely become a recurring customer which means that the business has achieved one of its goals of retaining the customer. While there is money from attracting new customers, there is even more money from retaining old customers.

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