Why a Business Logo is Very Crucial for Any Business

in business •  4 years ago 

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When it comes to business, a lot of business owners or people who want to start their own business have different things to say concerning what they feel is the most important element of any business. A lot of #business owners will tell you that the products or services is the most important part of a business… While this is kind of true to some extent, it is not all complete as there are so many factors that must be put together to achieve success in any business. In this post, we will be looking at the logo as part of a business visual identity element and why it is very crucial for any business.

Before we proceed further, let me as you this quick question… why do you think people purchase apple products like the iPhones… I know you will say that it looks stunning… you are right, but most people who purchase apple products don’t do it because it is the most beautiful looking phone on the planet, ofcourse not, iPhones are not the greatest phones on the planet aesthetics wise, they are not even the greatest technology wise… A lot of people who buy apple products do so because of the feeling and the brand behind the Apple Logo. The logo carries the brand, that is why you will see a lot of young girls, even older ones snap in front of the mirror just to show off that cute looking Apple #Logo.


There is a special feeling you get when you associate yourself with a particular brand, especially a brand like Apple. I can boldly tell you that if Apple makes a phone that doesn’t have its logo behind it, most people won’t bother to buy it because there is nothing to show off, and there is nothing that hold the brand values. The phone design itself doesn’t hold the brand value because it can be replicated or a better design can be made, but the Logo can’t be replicated or a better Apple Logo can’t be made, that Logo is just extraordinarily great and it one of the main reasons why Apple is one of the most successful #companies on the planet at the moment. Not only Apple, other companies like Nike, Amazon, Coca Cola etc and many others whose Logo is one of the main reasons for their massive success and continuous increase in #sales.

If you are a business owner, or you are planning on starting your own business, you need to take your logo very seriously and not fall for the common logo design mistakes a lot of people who want to start their own business make, like designing your own business logo when you know nothing about logo design or paying an amateur logo designer because he/she if very cheap. You have to understand that the logo of your business is holds the identity of your business… It is what people will use to recognize your business – the same way you use the Apple logo, Nike logo, Coca Cola logo, Pepsi logo, Samsung logo, or any other company’s logo to identify or recognize that business or company, that is the same way people will remember your business just by seeing your logo somewhere.

Like I said, your business logo is what identifies and represents your business anywhere in the world… look around you right now, I am pretty sure there are a dozen and one places you can find a logo where you at right now, either on a wall, a device, on a sticker or anywhere around you, the business is not there present but you the logo is right there with you representing and identifying the business. To conclude, you have to ensure that you have the right and effective logo for your business as a great and effective logo can help take your business to the next level.

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