The Keys to Making Sales – Understanding Why Customers Buy

in business •  3 years ago 

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Sales is one of those topics you can never stop talking about in the world of business and every business owners will tell you how essential sales is to any business. Making sales is super skill any business owner wishes to have as we all know how important sales it to the success and sustainability of any business. As important as the word sales is in business, it doesn’t mean anything if customers buy – in fact, the word sales only becomes meaningful when a customer makes a purchase.

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While sales is just a simple five letter word, it is actually one of the most challenging thing for any business… that is why there is huge competition for sales every single day and businesses compete to get the attention of customers and give customers reasons why they should choose them over their competitors. Hence why a lot of businesses utilize various strategies to attract customers and turn them into buying customers.

As a business owner, it is very important to know that the difference between knowing what your customers want and what they don’t want can greatly influence or determine the success of your business… Asking yourself those questions that make customers not to buy and solving those problems puts you in a very good position to make that all important sale above your competitors.

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To get a strong advantage over your competitors when it comes to making sales, you need to ask yourself questions like… why do customers buy, what makes them not to buy, what are their needs and wants, what emotional feeling do they want to get, what kind of relationship do they want, what appeals to them, what features do they want, what satisfaction do they desire, how do they buy, what security do they require, what assurance do they require and more… These are just a few of many questions you need to answer before you can get a sizable grounds over your competitors and turn your potential customers into buying customers.

Some of the reasons why customers don’t buy is either fear of loss, they don’t value the product or service, they think it is a waste of time, lack of quality, lack of appeal, lack of comfort, negative consequences, bad past experiences, not solving their problems and more… Once you are able to answer most of these questions, figure out why most customers buy and why they don’t buy and solve those problems… you have the keys to making sales in your hands.

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