Bus modif terbaru

in bus •  3 years ago 



Modifikasi pada bus di Indonesia saat ini semakin beragam. Selain penambahan lampu variasi, lampu utama bus juga kerap dimodifikasi, mulai pemakaian devil eye sampai DRL dengan warna Red Green Blue (RGB) yang bisa diubah warnanya.

Dengan melakukan modifikasi ini, tampilan bus memang menjadi lebih keren. Apalagi saat sedang berhenti di terminal, bisa menarik perhatian para penumpang. Namun modifikasi ini tentunya bukan standar dari karoseri.

Export Manager karoseri Laksana Werry Yulianto mengatakan, modifikasi pada komponen lampu depan, tentunya akan menghanguskan garansi kelistrikan yang diberikan karoseri saat bus baru selesai dibuat

“Ya kalau ada perubahan kelistrikan atau penambahan komponen yang tidak sesuai dengan standar pabrik, maka garansi otomatis hangus,”

Melakukan modifikasi lampu, bisa menyebabkan beban kelistrikan yang berlebih sehingga berpotensi kebakaran. Kabel yang dipasang ke bus ada batasan dayanya, begitu juga converter dan inverter, jadi jika kelebihan, bisa menyebabkan korsleting.

“Kalau bebannya overload, ya bisa kebakar atau sekering putus. Kita secara karoseri kan sudah ada perhitungan muatan dan daya.

Selain itu, Design Development karoseri New Armada Deddy Hermawan mengatakan, melakukan modifikasi pada lampu, bisa memengaruhi usia pakai dari komponen yang ada.

“Kalau ganti bohlam, khawatir mika meleleh. Kemudian lampu dari pabrik sudah melewati tes durability material dan lampunya. Kemudian dites juga kekedapan terhadap air,”

Modifications to buses in Indonesia are currently increasingly diverse. In addition to the addition of variation lights, bus headlights are also often modified, starting with the use of devil eyes to DRLs with Red Green Blue (RGB) colors that can be changed.

By making this modification, the appearance of the bus has indeed become cooler. Especially when it stops at the terminal, it can attract the attention of passengers. But this modification is certainly not the standard of the body.

Export Manager for the body, Laksana Werry Yulianto, said that modifications to the headlight components would void the electrical warranty provided by the body when the new bus was completed.

"Yes, if there is an electrical change or the addition of components that are not in accordance with factory standards, the warranty will automatically expire,"

Modifying the lamp, can cause an excessive electrical load so that it has the potential to fire. The cable attached to the bus has a power limit, as well as the converter and inverter, so if it is overloaded, it can cause a short circuit.

“If the load is overloaded, it can catch fire or the fuse blows. In terms of body, we already have a load and power calculation.

In addition, the Design Development of the New Armada body, Deddy Hermawan, said that making modifications to the lights could affect the service life of existing components.

"If you change the bulb, I'm worried that the mica will melt. Then the lamp from the factory has passed the material and lamp durability test. Then it is also tested for water resistance, "

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