Work Of Art - "La Mujer Que Llora" [The Weeping Woman] By Picasso🎨

in burtart •  4 years ago 

”La mujer que llora” de Pablo Picasso, la cual representa el sufrimiento y el dolor de una mujer que presenciaba como su pueblo era masacrado y arrasado ante la guerra. En este cuadro vemos como rompe con la perspectiva convencional y mezcla diferentes puntos de vista al representar los rasgos del rostro humano.

"The crying woman" By Pablo Picasso, which represents the suffering and pain of a woman who was witnessed how her people were massacred and devastated in the war. In this painting we see how she breaks with the conventional perspective and mixes different points of view when representing the features of the human face.


Aunque el rostro esté fuertemente distorsionado, parte del mismo es el de una persona real, la fotógrafa Dora Maar, que en aquella época era la pareja sentimental de Picasso. En el cuadro predominan las formas y los colores ásperos. Los rasgos del rostro están alterados y desmenuzados en formas recortadas que ponen de manifiesto el tormento interior de la mujer.

Although the face is strongly distorted, part of it is that of a real person, the photographer Dora Maar, who at that time was Picasso's sentimental partner. Rough shapes and colors predominate in the painting. The features of the face are altered and crumbled into cut-out shapes that reveal the inner torment of the woman.

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WhatsApp Image 2020-09-01 at 21.54.39.jpeg


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Resultado final

Final Result

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-01 at 21.54.35 (2).jpeg


"Yo no pinto lo que veo, pinto lo que siento." -Pablo Picasso.

"I don't paint what I see, I paint what I feel." -Pablo Picasso.


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