Fruit-Inspired Makeup: Cherry🍒 Maquillaje inspirado en frutas: Cerezas🍒

in burtart •  4 years ago  (edited)

Elegí hacerme un maquillaje inspirado en las cerezas ya que me gustan muchísimo❤️, y además tiene vitamina A, esencial para el organismo.

I decided to do a makeup inspired by cherries haha since I like them very much, and it also has vitamin A, essential for the body.









Me divertí mucho haciéndome eso, tuve 3 fallos con la ramita pero al final estuve bien, tenía toda mi mejilla verde jaja, pero me encantó como resultó.

The truth is that I had a lot of fun doing that to myself, I had 3 failures with the twig but in the end I was fine, I had all my cheek green haha, but I loved how it turned out.

Todo es posible si lo intentas. ❤

Everything is possible if you try. ❤


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