Living In Peace

in burtafrica •  3 years ago  (edited)

Jess loiterton

Living In Peace
It was about to rain when Femi came to meet me at my house to go out to have some fun. I did not want to go but he forced me to and I had no choice other than to go. Although I was busy enjoying my sleep when he came in to knock at my door. We went together after taking a quick bath.

On our way going, my phone rang and to my surprise, it was a long old friend of mine, Johnson. We spoke for a very long time on the phone and he told me he was no longer in Nigeria. He told me he was in Florida, a state in the United States of America. According to what he told me, he is making it great over there and he told me to make preparations to come over to meet up with him over there. Jaff was a nice guy while we were together here in Nigeria. We attended the same secondary school and went to the same university where we did the same course. Now that he has invited me, I have to make Preparations to go since Florida is my best state in the United States of America.

Femi on the other hand is so close to me. He has been so nice in helping me in doing most of those things which were hard for me. Anytime I'm not having, he gives to me and helps me out. I told him everything my old friend, Jaff, told me. He was so happy for me and indeed promised to help me prepare for my Visa.

We went on to a recreational centre where we had to make ourselves comfortable by buying some drinks. We both played around and swam in the swimming pool. It was a great outing. So, while drinking, I saw a girl who was so pretty. I decided to call her and indeed we became friends and good friends.

After two months, Femi helped me prepare for my Visa. He helped me without telling me the amount he did. He proved to be a good friend and he had known that I was not having enough, this was the major reason he decided to help me out. Now, Alicia was sad after hearing that I will be travelling out of the country. She is now in deep love with me. She came from a wealthy home with her wealth, I have never for once asked anything from her. This made her love me to the brim.

Three days later, I met with my old friend, Jaff. He was so happy to see me. He took me to his abode where he prepared some food for our lunch. After lunch, he took me to a beach where we had to enjoy ourselves. Now, Alicia kept on calling me all day. We kept on chatting all day long showing the evidence and Alicia missed me a lot.

When it was Monday, my friend, Jaff took me to where I will work to earn some money. It was so great of him as not all friends are capable of doing this. He showed me that there are true friends somewhere.

After two years in Florida, I made it great and was sending money to my friend, Femi who had helped me when I was still in Nigeria. He has been a great friend which no one would love to lose. I also call Alicia frequently and so, one day, I told her I will be coming home to ask for her hand in marriage. She was so happy and told her parents.

A month later, we got married and I decided to take her to the States with me. We lived happily. After some days, she suggested that she should begin to sell goods instead of staying idle without doing anything. Indeed she started selling men's and women's clothing. She went to the extent of learning tailoring and she became the best stylist of all time. We both built houses in Nigeria and Florida.

Friends can take you to where you don't expect, but some can bring you to your quick downfall. So, know the kind of friends you keep.

First published on my hive account

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