Lovin’ Oppenheimer Sex Cheeks

in burt •  6 months ago 

Pretty Stick Girl Bombed by Psychopaths What's For Dinner? 2024. Acrylic on loose canvas, 20 x 23"

Went to one of the three movies Americans are allowed to see in theaters last summer. It was a drama based on a false story, made-to-leave-feeling true, about an abstractionist/narcissist and all of his super nerdy-cool friends who killed everything. There was this steamy pornographic scene when a communist party ex-girlfriend straddled the pallid potato physicist in front of six old men in a small room, while another actress, who got to keep her clothes on throughout the entire three hour film heroifying degenerates, watched from behind, biting her lip imagining how badly she was slighted by her brilliant husband, the killer.

Besides those gooey pretend sex scenes uncomfortably viewed beside stranger teenagers in a dark movie theater, I also took away good history of Japanese families burned alive, a revived daydream of a dead president whose fibula could be dug up and pressed through his skull nostrils, (if ours was a just and proud species), and the inevitability of near total annihilation tomorrow of all living things earthen.

The $9 ticket was totally worth the renascence of my misanthropy.

The other movies were Barbie and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I think we could be at that state of H.G. Wells fictional evolution when the human species splits into apathetic Eloi and the sadder-but-wiser (and hungry) Morlocks. Just surveying movie-goers at theater exits across the U.S. could, I believe, place us into one of the two evolving human-like species groups. Maybe all it would take is the following question and respondent answer:

Are nuclear weapons bad medicine for life on earth?

Future Morlock: Absolutely. And I’d like to add that we must round up and incarcerate for life (or worse) the makers of thermonukes (Board members of Boeing, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman), distributors (generals of militaries), and elected (and non-elected officials) who allow their existence to threaten us all every second, every hour. Do it right now, with torches, pitchforks and mobs.

Future Eloi: I got a little bit of a rise from those naked actors going at it in Oppenheimer. Or was it when funky turtle boy Michelangelo had a teenage wet dream on top of that voluptuous ninja salamander?

The United States is the only nation to ever detonate nuclear weapons on human populations without offering even an empty apology over the last 78 years. That’s a constant feeder of rage to keep me humming unto death. How about you? Do you feel marginalized pre-Morlock like me? I bet my spleen not a single other person in that packed theater has heard of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It was made international law in 2021, and our government ignores it. Which means Costa Rica has every right to call for regime change in Washington D.C. And it might, if it or any of the other 91 signatories had a sophisticated drone fleet, the like which our Congress delivers gratis (its citizen’s tax money) to the Ukrainian government (not a signatory country I wonder why). The real truth, the international truth, the earth and galaxy truth, is that our rogue pretend leaders would be on trial at the Hague by month’s end, if the Netherlands was a signatory nation to the treaty, and not a powerless puppet of the big rogue players of NATO. Maybe the Hague is just a place for trying Muslims and leaders of countries it’s member nations bomb. Never justice for the crimes committed by their de facto leaders George Bush (the Texan head honcho of the murder of a million brown people), and Barack (Oh Hell yeah, we’ll bomb ya) Obama. As long as any nation on earth holds onto a single nuclear weapon, I consider that government to be illegitimate. Do you? And why not Mr. or Miss Annihilation?

Dear upright antecedents of scrumptious Eloi, in the hope that some of you wish to Morlock up your guts a bit, I shall break the following news to you before Nuclear Winter becomes chief motivator of our atmosphere (coincidentally not so long after Hollywood delivers us Oppenheimer II: The Great Wind of Apathy): Both your Donald Trump and Joe Biden governments are supreme outlaw. Like Saddam, like Putin. Like any bad man (always a man) that you point at from far, far away. It is they and their business acquaintances who lock us down in a near certainty of 21st century nuclear Armageddon.

If you suspect that I might be correct even a little bit, then what can be done in attempt to avert disaster?

I suggest breaking out of your mental groups asap. It is these bubbles that are making us all sallow and dull-eyed. We have the political bends and our clear thinking brains and loving hearts are shutting down. Stop pointing the finger at other bubbles floating as leaderless and frightened as you. Yossarian said in Catch-22, “the enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed”.

Can you say that to yourself and believe it? Can you rise to conquer the Morlock-shaping genes within?

Or are my descendants going to farm and eat your descendants with muck relish?

Kindness Moving 2023. Acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20"

So the movie was filmed beautifully, and the sound was exceptional. The history was 6th grade textbook, and the story was all about propping up man (always a man) as the super (tragic) hero. Supposedly this Oppenheimer developed a conscience after melting the people of Japan. The actor Truman called him a “crybaby”, which is almost historically accurate. The real Truman of 1948 was referring to the music to his ears of the actual babies crying in Nagasaki while their tummy skins flaked off.

In the hotly debated world of ignorance politics, Oppenheimer was definitely not a man ahead of his time. Condensed propaganda brought to our great and grandparents via the Ministry of Truths of governments and millionaires made sure of that. He and Einstein and Fred the milkman all shared equal knowledge of what exactly was not going on. Of course Oppenheimer had the secret information of his own annihilation project, just like Fred the milkman pre-urinated clandestinely into buttermilk bottles left on German stoops (Japanese Americans weren’t allowed any private doors for milk at the time). All political knowledge afforded to the masses was infantile, as it is today. Actually today it might well be zygotian thanks to Fox, MSNBC, CNN, and bargain potato chips always priced around $2 a bag.

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  ·  6 months ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah. We went to see that movie too. I found it very difficult to watch in the Theatre, …very loud and erratic cinematography. It’s brutal how easily they killed so many people.

And it goes on and on today. Non stop.

On another subject … I noticed that Bilpcoin.com isn’t working anymore … the #hashtags too… so I wouldn’t bother with that one… you can add some other hashtags over there to earn other crypto you can trade for Hive on https://Hive-Engine.com some day ….

#cent #pob #vyb #waivio #pepe #photography


  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Thank you Crypto-mentor!

  ·  6 months ago  ·   (edited)

Things are always changing …… it’s good to have a few blogs going to try some experiments. Sometimes you make mistakes but it’s always very easy to start over with a new blog. A blog for every hobby I always say. I have millions of hobbies.

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

That sounds like a good idea. I too dabble in different hobbies. Thanks!

Some day I will also share my music. But I need more time to practice. Maybe when I retire.

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

The beauty of Stuckism is show, exhibit, whenever possible. One life to live!

Most of the Giant whales 🐳 on Hive have many hundred blogs and earn millions of Hive on every Blog.

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Freakin’ whales!