Bullying Prevention and Response: Empowering Children to Stand Up

in bullying •  8 months ago 

Bullying: No Way, Jose!

Hey there, let's talk about bullying and how we can stop it from happening!


What's Bullying?

Bullying is when someone is mean to another person again and again. It's like a big no-no!


Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!

We can be nice to our friends and stop bullying. If you see someone being bullied, you can help them and tell an adult.


Stand Up, Speak Out!

If you're being bullied, it's okay to tell a grown-up you trust. They'll help you and make sure you're safe.


We're Stronger Together

When we all stand up together, bullying doesn't stand a chance. We can create a world full of kindness and smiles!


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