With all this chop lately I've been trying to look out for new liquidity pools and farms, so many projects out there it's hard to keep track. Came across WisteriaSwap, an IFO launching on RobiniaSwap between UTC 11:00 – UTC 15:00 and HoneyFarm between UTC 13:00 – UTC 15:00. Here's a little more information on the IFO.
Token Price: 1 WST = $40
IFO Target Amount Total $300,000
RBS-BNB LP: 50,000$
HoneyFarm: WBNB $40,000 / BEE $7,500 / HONEY $2,500
BUSD: 200,000$
WST-BUSD LP liquidity supply will be provided at the end of the IFO, and approximately $100K~$150K worth of liquidity will be supplied when sold out. (Trade is possible immediately after IFO is closed.)
IFO Participating Sites
Roviniaswap: https://robiniaswap.com/ifo
Honey Farm: https://honeyfarm.finance/iho
-Access the site for IFO after 11:00 UTC and connect your wallet.
-On the IFO page, press the Approve button to activate the IFO.
-Click the Contribute button and enter the amount of tokens you want to participate in (Confirm button)
-Refresh the page after UTC 15:00 when the IFO ends.
-When the IFO ends, 4 Claim buttons are automatically created and each button is activated.
-Click all 4 buttons in order to receive WST tokens.