$SUSHI is looking pretty good right now, over the last week or so it's made a low of 10.18 and a high of 11.88, it's currently moving for around 11.45 on most exchanges. I swear I bought the literal top of this around the time we got the last stimmy here in the States, want to say it was trading for around 20.00. Also bought $UNI at the top around the same time at 30.00 but was eventually able to get out of that one without a loss. SUSHI however never came back around, it attempted to a few times but never made it all the way. I'm not too worried about it because it's not that big of a bag, it's more the opportunity cost I'm upset about. If I would have stuck the money elsewhere I would have had a better chance at making money rather than dealing with underwater SUSHI. Eww sounds gross.