Hasn't been all that fun having to check price and look at charts. A lot of salt and negativity on my feed so I've tried my best to keep it to a minimum. Times like these it's best to try and find which coins hold up the best, that way when we start moving back up they kind of get a head start. $MATIC is the one for now (other than SHIB). Over the last week or so MATIC has made a low of 1.48 and a high of 1.93, it's currently moving for around 1.85 on most exchanges. Always been a big fan, wish I had more than I do right now but that's okay. Starting to move into the part of the cycle where we feel like we don't have enough, no matter how much you have you wish you had more. Need to check in on the farms over there on Polygon, have a feeling percentages have dropped.