Nice to see Kyber finally doing something, it wasn't one of the better performing alts over the last few months to say the least. They had a massive fall on coinmarketcap at some point, pretty sure it was shortly after DeFi summer last year. Regardless, it's starting to show it's face. I have a nice sized bag of $KNC, I was average cost buying along the way, have an average buy well below a dollar. I remember when it got listed on Coinbase right before Covid and it ran up over 2.00 I thought that was so cool at the time. Convinced me this coin would be a gem at some point. Hoping it does big numbers here soon. Over the last week or so it's made a low of 1.44 and a high 2.40, it's currently moving for around 2.14 on most exchanges. I don't think I've ever sold any KNC even through all the draw downs we've had along the way. Always been a believer so will continue to hold for now.