Bitcoin teasing us with a new ATH but pulling back a little bit first. Just a little test for what's about to come? People were piling into alts earlier, lot's of charts getting put on on crypto twitter. Of course $ATOM caught my eye, one of the bigger bounces of the day so far. Up about 8-9% today. Over the last week or so ATOM has made a low of 30.71 and a high of 36.07, it's currently moving for around 34.78 on most exchanges. Still farming my Cosmos and doing quite well, one recent adjustment I've made though was I unbonded a couple weeks ago and it finally powered down. I chose to bond it back but this time only for one week rather than two since the APR percentage is basically the same. When I first started a couple months ago it paid a much higher rate to bond for two weeks. Loving Cosmos, it's going to go over 100.00 when we rally hard, bet that.