
in bruce •  3 years ago 

The third world war started back in 2019. Military to be mostly robots by 2030 just like what you see with Sky Net in the Terminator movies, thousands of android machines are being made, we must have our own robot body guards to shield us from bad robots. Our bigger threat are the main globalists and not the Chinese globalists who are manipulating their puppet, Lord Joe Biden, but only to the extent the main globalist factions allow as you may see that even Joe can't do everything he wants to do due to the fact that the Chinese globalists are not in complete control over America.

2021-05-10 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 481pics | Video | 2021-05-10 - Monday - Weekly Monday Oatmeal Show - Episode 011 - Room Restructuring

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-10 - Monday | Published in May of 2021

Michelle Kalhorn Against Covid with immune system 178200695_10159538748059108_1103826104951167156_n.jpg

Michelle Kalhorn has an immune system, what about you?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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I am to the point I feel like I don't even want to accept when people want to give me dollars as it goes through super hyper inflation even in 2021.

But good to organize things.
i cant find me my mic as i clean my room and all, maybe next week
and still working the new laptop, this is still the old laptop

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Big Shot

2021-05-10 - Sunday - 01:49 AM - 02:30 AM - Big Shot 104

Finding your love for basketball again. He was trying to give a good player a scholarship to get her to play for his team but she said no. So he gave it to a player who was already on the team who really needed it.

Girls 5 Eva

2021-05-10 - Monday - 02:31 AM - 03:00 AM - Girls 5 Eva 102

Invisible piano. Making up words. Facebook video live, but manager copyrighted their song away from them which cause the video to getr removed.

Ron Gibson


The third world war started back in 2019.

10:22 PM
Bruce Caitlyn Jenner is a globalist front-man playing the good cop. They go back and forth. They have the bad cops saying they'll get men dressed as women to rape your children. They'll have men playing in women sports. They'll have terrible things happen and have people say the worse things imaginable. And then they get people like mister Bruce Jenner to say, "Oh, we won't cut off both your legs. We will ONLY cut off one of your legs." What we have to get Mike Cernovich or somebody to win to be the next governor of California. Don't vote for ANTI-AMERICANS.

In the 1900's, globalists conquered China and put in puppet leaders.

Chinese Globalists Against Luciferian Globalists

2021-05-10 - Monday - 10:44 PM - Globalism Log - Gab

Different globalist factions are fighting with each other for world control, there are those aligning with the Chinese globalists which includes that of Bill Gates and other big tech overlords who are setting up a global credit score which would be run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

But at the same time, there are also other globalist factions who want lockdown to continue as opposed to having the Chinese globalists run the global tyranny as people go back to work. There are many double and triple agents in the different factions and groups of globalists around the world who are pretending to work with each other and yet are also stabbing each other in the back.

Our bigger threat are the main globalists and not the Chinese globalists who are manipulating their puppet, Lord Joe Biden, but only to the extent the main globalist factions allow as you may see that even Joe can't do everything he wants to do due to the fact that the Chinese globalists are not in complete control over America.

Military to be mostly robots by 2030 just like what you see with Sky Net in the Terminator movies, thousands of android machines are being made, we must have our own robot body guards to shield us from bad robots.

Watch Log

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Big Shot

2021-05-10 - Sunday - 01:49 AM - 02:30 AM - Big Shot 104

Girls 5 Eva

2021-05-10 - Monday - 02:31 AM - 03:00 AM - Girls 5 Eva 102

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at like 10:30 AM. Continued cleaning my room since yesterday when I was restructuring furniture and such in my room and the computer room, see yesterday for more info. Was also eating breakfast while doing so. Mowed the front lawn around 1 PM to 3 PM. Weed eating. Hot day. Grass was drying out, was wet from rain or morning dew or something. But was able to cut it and tall grass in the other yards near us on both sides to make a contrast. Don't water in the middle of the day but get it ready for the morning or evening, ok. Some say that and that is good advice. Was looking for my Tupac. No. It is called something else and it comes in a pair, it translate ethernet to a phone line and back into ethernet again. I eventually found it. Lunch now. Used my ASUS laptop last night to watch Big Shot and Girls 5 Eva. See notes here, above. Laptop pretty good but OS might be worse in some ways, that is Ubuntu Mate 20.04 seems to be different than version 16.04. I prefer 16 over 20 still and may consider uninstalling 20. I will continue to see what I can do and may also consider version 21.04. Good day of cleaning and I put the 2020 desk I built at Dinese's house on top of or over and inside of or just over my main desk I've been using the last few years. It was a Larry desk I think. I was using mom's old desk she got in the 1970s. Then was listening to the radio on my over. Nice day. People coming as I came in too. She said oh we will give you a ride home. Oh ok. Yeah no problem. The den, ok I will say hello I said and I did and a conversation to continue from the Sunday one and I added I don't think demons can do things apart from the help of humans. Demons want to kill us and would if they had no limit to do so. Therefore, they have to go through people and such. Food ok apart from the hot dog corn dog part. 2 teams, 2 skits. They were set to do either or both a situation of favoritism or the opposite being attacking. First was of a girl with Winnie the Pooh. Favoritism to treat a daughter well and the person being Joe badly. Oh speaking of, I am real boy now. Where thee shirt. Eating honey or the bear I wonder. The other team put up a situation of going to a hair place, barber, a saloon. It is said that people with curly hair, black people hair, thicker hair, etc, that it can be harder to work with. Services and such relating to such types of hair is said to cost more money and such. Well, it can make sense if and to the extent products and the time to work with such hair costs more plus it is the law of supply and demand within free markets. It is true there are are problems to some extent. Yes, some of is racism but many things in life are much worse. Globalists uses racism to trick people to fight each other while they take over and such. So, we can get along better, I agree. Less racism is good. But racism is not that bad of a problem and we all suffer from it. People are not only racist against black people. People are also racist against white people and so on. I didn't say anything. But I got a lot to say. Ride home from dee crew. More room cleaning and then dishes at 9 PM for an hour. Now it is 10:18 PM. Supper.

Food log
Breakfast: 3 tangerines, apple, coffee, 11 AM. And then mom handed me a sliced banana and said have a banana break. A joke, instead of a coffee break.
Lunch: soup, 3 PM.
Dinner: hot dogs, corn, watermelon, 6 PM. Well, now I feel funny. More lunch soup at 10:18 PM.

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