It's about to go down in UK

in britain •  3 years ago  (edited)

JUST HEARD this blurt was featured on The fakeologist show:

A few video's and such to illustrate what is about to be occuring in the uk.
Here's a military veteran rounding up 'the troups' to start the operation. (Wonder if they've given it a cool name? They should. All good Ops have to have a name)

They are about to raid the 'vaccination' centres, there may be arrests and there will definitely be siezures of vials of the vile stuff.

Here is a video of a woman lodging another crime at her local policestation. This is being done all over the uk. The first criminal case was lodged in Hammersmith and is with the CID.
The list of crimes they are reporting to the police is as long as your arm.
I will be really happy to see them close down the centres and hope to God they film it all. I can't help but feel sad too that they didn't do this sooner.
There are some video's of vaccine centres packing up before the police come tho so it's already underway.


I also had another video which seems to be related but sadly it's been censored on FB. I'll keep my eyes peeled, someone might have grabbed it. It was a vax'd lady who had some side effects and wanted to know if she was ok to get the booster. She started filming after a few minutes as she was surprised at what the doctor was telling her. In short she was advised NOT to get a booster but then she also mentioned that the vaccines would be STOPPED VERY SHORTLY anyway as more info has come to light. Could this be the investigation I mentioned earlier? I do hope so.

A personal friend rang the number and verified it was a doctors office too so don't give me that fakery bullshit.

At the same time as this is happening (or about to) over the pond in the Whitehouse they just announced that
'fundamental rights' WILL be stomped out and Justin Trudeau up in Canada said basically the same thing seemingly in lockstep but with his silly mask on. I can't find the video's for these but they were on mainstream anyway so why bother.

I also hear that Kazahkstan is not in uproar because of fuel prices, they in fact got thoroughly pissed off with all the new rules over mandates, passes and probably didn't like THEIR fundamental rights being stomped on. The people have taken back control, thrown the government bods out and even the president has fled. They have taken weapons from the military and driven them out too.


Now is it about to kick off in the UK or in typical stiff-upper-lip style will they make it a more civilized affair?
Whichever way it goes, the next few days could get interesting for sure.

The revolution however will probably NOT be televised.


Is the narrative over in England?
(Meanwhile truckers are forming a blockade in Canada now too.)


Vive la Resistance.........

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Comment from FB :
Steve Falconer
this was all predicted in Lockstep and they chose the full moon to have 27 different media outlets around the world apologise at the same day on the full for "misreporting" (deliberately lying about) the "pandemic" from the beginning.

I've seen the Danish Ekstra Bladet article go viral, our version of the UK Sun, where people go to see the naked girl on page 9 and hear about aliens landing on Alec Baldwin's hair.... So, still by the play book.

However, the Lockstep playbook did not account for the mass awakening of the total debunking of "germ theory" never even dawned on them or their modelling super computers that we'd catch on to that...and since this operation was to fold in 2023 to make way for Marburg in 2023 and Spars in 2025, they are now in a HUGE pickle...even sending their shills like Malone to Rogan and every other big alternative voice in full force.

It was the one human variable their computers couldn't predict, because they were never programmed to model what happens if we all woke up to that fact that their aren't any viruses at all. It was just a programmed given in their they have to shut this down now...if they want to get the rest of the 9 nano-technoligies injected into people via boosters, flu shots and nasal / cheek swabs before the currency and smart 5G censors go digital.

If we ever figure that out...nobody will take any of them, boosters, variants, Marburg, SPARS, flu shots, none of it's lull us back to sleep for a year or two..."You won!" this "virus" is real but was no worse than the flu and cold, we lied, we're sorry....but it is real...remember that in two years..... and then rely on the predictable human short memory that elected Tony Blair again 9 months after getting caught red handed for cuntery, so when Marburg is introduced and SPARS breaks out in three people in a church in Minneapolis in 2025 and both have the same deadly "symptoms" as the expected two year "side" effects of Covaids injections...people will forget, as we always do.

So celebrate your victories, but be careful to think we've won any war...quite the contrary.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A good reminder that the plan never stops, it merely waits for the next manifestation - the plan will only stop when the planners are stopped.

Then, maybe, there could be a very different plan.
Not hoping.

or the plans will stop when we all stop playing along with them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Things are getting more interesting everyday now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As much as I fear what is going to happen next, I also find it quite exciting. There is a lot of good news in this post, along with the violence. We will see more of this world wide. The cornered and desperate beast will lash out before it dies, but it will die.

Thank you for putting it together.

I think revolution is all partof the plan to be blunt. This is not over yet, there is more deception brewing. I don't think the climate change card is going to go down very well and the NWO is meant to be a failure too I'm just waiting for the fake aliens to land.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I find the general lack of violence... disturbing.

(I exclude the planned psyops violence.)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This then becomes the major problem...

same as antifa(ke)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But we can see through these. These events follow templates, as this one does. One look, and I know it's phony. Same with all these shootings. They begin, proceed, and end exactly alike.

I often ask people, "so you can believe that your neighbor with guns is likely to go bonkers all of a sudden, take his guns into a school and, for no good reason, start murdering children. But you can't believe that powerful beings (humans? idk), who stand to gain trillions of dollars annually in perpetuity, would collaborate to pursue ultimate control over human beings, and not care how many of us die at their hands?"

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I suspect most people can't see through anything at all!
Antifa(Ke) being a recent example; stealing the US prez with just a few hours of counting left etc etc

As you say, most brains seem incapable of analysing their own ridiculous beliefs - they seem to be experts in doublethink. Socrates... where are you?! lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Experts in doublethink? As you said in today's post, they don't even try to reconcile today's lie with yesterday's. They just swallow it and regurgitate it and do as told. So very strange to see people I once looked up to doing this.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, people with whom I went to uni - intelligent - somehow that intelligence is not aimed at within.

Thing is, this can't be new - I suspect most people have always been like this - except it was all random. Now they are in formation - we're back to mass formation psychosis.

There is a physical analogy here. A bar of iron is not a magnet - there are tiny magnetic domains within the bar but they are randomly aligned so that from the outside there is no measurable magnetic field. Stroke the bar with a magnet and those domains start to align, eventually turning that bar into a new magnet.

Three simple ways to ruin an iron magnet: drop it repeatedly; heat it to red hot; or insert it in an opposite magnetic field. I wonder how those translate into psychology. ;-)

It would help if we knew what he was saying but yeh looks completely fake, like the old beheading video's from a few years ago. I actually know some antifa and know not all of them are in on it they're just too thick to know they're being used.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We have seen that the con job has many many layers, all of our reactions have been accounted for, and controlled opposition (fakery) abounds, yes. The masterminds (possibly/probably not human) have even accounted for this conversation.

Fake aliens would work like a charm. I've been expecting fake ebola or smallpox, fake war, fake "anthrax" attacks, and fake mass shootings. Meanwhile, we mostly ignore the very real chemtrails attacks, medical poisonings, food supply poisonings, water poisonings and mind poisonings. These, and more, will be employed more heavily to make us more afraid and more docile.

But destroyers can only destroy. They can neither see, nor account, for the creative force of nature, which is always present and always making corrections.

How does nature 'make corrections'? Are you talking about evolution? Evolution is a bad hypothesis. Nature only seeks balance, it was perfectly designed with no need for evolution.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Balance. Nature makes corrections in balance, just as our bodies would, if we would let them. Nature self heals.
The concept of evolution is a perfect example of how our knowledge is channeled into overly simplistic and finite versions of reality, in which we the rats have no control. We allow what we are taught to become reality, and then trudge along supporting the lies.
I'm babbling, but no, not talking about evolution.

I just wanted to stop by and say that your work is excellent and highly informative. :)

I also agree that a revolution is a factored part of their agenda - and have spent many years writing to that effect. In truth, we'd be better shrugging our shoulders walking away and starting something new - i.e peaceful mass non-compliance over orchestrated reactive violence.

Anyway, just my two cents. :)

Your two cents are made of gold. Yes I totally agree. They WANT us to revolt, they want chaos so they can step in and be the savior. Their motto is after all 'Order out of Chaos'.

Thank you - and yes, very true. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I watched that vid of Lisa yesterday on fb :-)

what? The one I posted? They took it down pretty quick. That's why I made this post, I knew none of these vids would have stuck. I just wish we could embed video's here and not just youtube which no-one for free-speech uses any more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You need to download them, and put then on bitchute, my bastyon etc, it takes effort yes, but only so much time I have, and having got the mayor in my pocket today, I will have less time now.
Never leave a good vid on nazi platforms, download them, then put them in a safe web space sis.

I am uploading video's every day to my odysee here:
I found the ones deleted on fb and they're already on odysee so no worries, no need to do that. I leave this journo work to others who do it well and stick to my own forte.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I know nothing :0

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am copping out and changing my surroundings for the better, if everyone did it, political idiots do not stand a chance!

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