Apple Killed Brave Rewards

in brave •  4 years ago 

Just a few days ago, Brave released a latest version (1.22) of iOS browser.


Bad news:

Brave users will no onger receive rewards on iOS devices. When you click on the reward triangle icon this will show up 👇

ADs will still show up while browsing the internet but you won't get rewarded for clicking the ads. You will not be able to tip other Brave curators either.
Brave rewards (BAT) is dead on iOS.
(This update won't affect desktop and android browsers)

Brave Complies With Apple iOS Guidelines, Will Continue to Innovate for Users and Creators They Support

Good news...?

iOS users will be able to transfer BAT to desktop browser wallet, finally.
Click on "Legacy Wallet Transfer" and QR code reader will show up 👇

So you just scan the code on desktop, and BAT will be transferred... eventually


QR code feature for the desktop browser is not live yet. It still "one week" away... or few more builds?!

So if you are using iOS Brave browser, you don't need to click on the ads like a mad man... since you won't ge rewarded.

Another good news...?

is that, Christmas is coming. You still have time to do some research on the latest, greatest ANDROID phones, so your Santa person will know which one to give it to you 🙂
Merry everything!

➡️ BlurtBlock
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That's sad that Apple did it. I hope Android doesn't do the same. Although the rewards are not a lot but it is something for a lot of people who cannot buy crypto.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Android is safe for now... as long as google doesn't kill it. But desktop is still good

Isn't there an installation file for IOS like a .apk file in Android or open source store like F-Droid?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I use Brave browser because there are no ads making the browsing so slow to load @tomoyan I hope that Apple won't really kill the Brave way of earning tokens.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Apple already killed it... but desktop and android are still working...

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This one really sucks! This is Apple holding back innovation!