Book Shelf Conversation

in book •  3 months ago 

There are books on my shelf that haven't seen the light of day for years. I keep them because they remind me of different times of my life. Who I was when I read them. They're sort of like old friends. Some are spiritual teachers. Some are comedians. Others are informational.

Today, my youngest son wanted to discuss practical (and actionable) ideas on multiple streams of income. My eyes lit up and I immediately went to the book shelf and pulled out the Multiple Streams of Income book by Robert G. Allen. (affiliate link)

We talked the strategies in the book. I even read the chapter titled, "The Money Tree Formula" out loud which led to some dynamic discussion.

At the end of our discussion we realized we already had some of the Money Tree Formula in place. Which was pretty nice. There were a couple of things that sparked our interest. One we can take action on now and the other we are going to do some research on. So all in all a fantastic unexpected discussion which was made even more impactful because I had the exact book needed on my shelf.

This validates all the lovely books on my shelf even more. You just never know when one will come in handy.

Multiple Streams of Income Book.jpg
This is my well-worn copy.

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