Special Needs Plants and Sequential Flower Blooms

in blutplants •  2 years ago 

Obsessed with the exotic.

Good Evening! Today I was starting with the flower sequence that blooms on this, the largest of my plants with special needs, the Drosera. These plants need pure distilled water and only moss, not soil. I breed them and provide them to caring nurseries that take exotics.

One flower opens every couple days from one stem that uncurls when ready. Here are the last few buds that will bloom toward the end of the line.


The top ones have already bloomed and the last few are about to bloom. I am watching them in order to pollinate them (for seeds). I also took some pictures as I caught them opening and closing.


Right after I took this picture, I used a small brush to mix the naughty bits around in there and marked the stem so I get the ones that have fertile seeds for sure. That way I will get ones that germinate, not duds. I must have done the pollination really early because today another had opened. It is rare to have two open at the same time. I usually only see one at a time open.


I could not wait for the sun to move to light the flower fronts. They close quickly after pollinated. I liked the photo with back lit petals and shadows from behind.


Here they are as they closed...

Thank you to my fellow greenery fans for visiting my non-cartoon blog.

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