My Glitch in the Matrix Story

in blurtwriting •  3 years ago  (edited)

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The story I’m shearing here is completely true, and actually happens to me. If you don’t want to believe it, I don’t blame you. After all I can see why someone wouldn’t want to accept it as true.

One night I was up late, but that’s normal for me because I'm a night person. I don't remember what I was doing, but I remember looking at the time, and that it was about 4am, and I was hungry. I got up an went to make myself something to eat.

I was washing my hands and I looked out the window next to the sink. I can normally see all the way down the street from there, but not that night. It was pitch black.

I bet your thinking of course it is, it's 4 am, but I'm not talking normal night time dark, it was black. The only way to describe it was like the blackness was pressing up against the glass.

I started to attempt to see out. I live on a well lit street. There is a street light right across the street from that window and a three story apartment building that stretches all the way down the block, with sliding glass doors over looking the street, and it also has a well lit entrance. At the end of the block is a controlled intersection with traffic lights and more street lights. Beyond the intersection more apartments. There are no shortage of light sources out there, but all I could see was black.

I would guess I looking out trying to find any source of light for most of a minute when I saw a small yellow light. It was in one of the apartments past the controlled intersection on the next block. It was somebody's window. At the instant I saw it all the lights that I should have been able to see became visible, but it wasn’t instantaneous. It was like everything was on a dimmer switch and somebody turned it from the off position to maximum as fast as they could.

This isn’t the first or last time I’ve experienced something unexplainable. I’ve experienced more events like this than I can easily remember. From these instances and with the research I’ve done. I’ve come to believe that reality isn’t anything like what we have been lead to believe, and I’ve spent most of my life trying to find out what it really is.

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book
The Dream that Dreams the Dreamer.

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