Child sexual abuse.... a major concern in the soceity

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

Children sexual abuse is one of the grave problems of our society today and it's sad to see that the numbers of cases are increasing day by day. We hear more and more about Pedophiles these days in our society. And the sad part is that most of these cases happen in the family itself. The closest family members are the abusers, and these monsters do it because largely they believe they can get away with it.

Why do these types of people think they can get away with it?
Child abuse which is so common in these days is not limited to any gender. It is so common with every child be it male or female. And the people who take most advantage of this are the close relatives of the child or someone who is in close proximity of the child, they do this because they understand the mentality of the immediate family members very well, i.e. of the child parents. Most parents live in culture of denial that something like this have or could happen to their child, social stigma and shame makes them keep their mouth shut. The fear of what will people talk withdraws them for voicing up.


Specially in Indian homes where the aunts and uncle of the child are freely allowed to walk in and out of the house, the parent's least realizing their intentions, this is a very advantageous situation for them. The children are either scared or lured and this results into them taking advantage of their innocence.

Last week I did this interview with one of the foundations who works on Child Sexual Abuse. They asked me what are my views on this. So let me share here what are my views on this.

While these monsters are freely moving out in the society and the right thing to do will be, to take strong actions against these types of people, but on the other side it is now equally important for parents to teach children some basics and prepare them to handle such situations. A lot of parents shy of talking to their children about sex. Specially in India they feel as if it's a taboo to speak words like vagina and penis in front of their children. And the culture follows when the children grow up.

It is important for the parents to give some basic education to their children as to what is the difference between a good touch and a bad touch. They should teach them as to what body parts is anyone other than parents allowed to see and allowed not to see. And if anyone insists to show they should come and immediately tell their parents about it. Most important it is for the parents to create that environment at home as to where the child feels completely confident and safe to come and tell them anything. The other thing is that not to scare the child on this matter. It should be given like any other educational topic and awareness should be created.


As a parent it is a big responsibility in this matter. If your child behaves something unusual, it should not be taken lightly, need to understand the change in behavior, even if it looks very insignificant. Other thing is also that if a child comes and talks about any type of abuse, the parents should believe it, and remain calm. Should not scare the child by any behavior that impacts them mentally. Should calmly listen to them and then take necessary actions.

As a parent it is the utmost responsibility to put the child first and then any other relative or person and take necessary actions, even if it is small. Because that small action if encouraged will surely become big someday and then it would be nothing but repenting.

Our Children are our future and it is our big responsibility to take care of them not only physically but mentally also, because childhood traumas go a long way in life. It is also just not the responsibility of the parent but every adult individual has to take care of children around them.

If any such thing happens, the first thing is getting help for both the child and parent. Right counselling is required in such times, because such incidents are an emotional drain for the parents also.

This is a not a matter to keep quiet, such offences should be brought to light and the perpetrators should be convicted. That's the only way out. Our future needs Happy and Healthy (mentally / physically / emotionally) children, so let's work towards it together.
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