Who is offgridlife? Blurt Personality part 4

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

For some time now I have been talking about blurt and those who use it and how important they have been on blurt and so on, everyone I mentioned here is very influential to me and I appreciate then for their good deeds or one or two influence they have had on me. Today I want to talk about someone who is very close to me, someone who love blurt and someone who I think is a happy man a good man.

I wrote about the following persons

Today I will talk about a friend who I have come in contact with which is @offgridlife

I have been browsing and searching for the meaning of the word offgridlife but since that's not a one word I decided to browse all the words separately which is off then grid then life which I got the meaning perfectly.
Someone who lives in a kind of suburbs away from others who wants to live far from people who are crowded. I like this kind of lifestyle because I want to live and associate but not in a crowded arena, I want to live where people are not much or even where people don't live at all. I want to be on my own and have my life just me and where there's no much noise. Why I choose @offgridlife, I like this name to be honest, sometimes at home I call this name like 5 to six times a day just because I love the name. You need to listen to the name more, it sounds really nice.

Let's talk about his uniqueness

@offgridlife is a crypto lover and someone who has invested in crypto for some time now, he loves crypto and have always given his support and encouragement to @megadrive as much as I can tell, I like the way he talks about crypto in general and the fact that he invests his time and money into it. I have had some chats with him about my brother who want to move to Canada to continue seminary studies but he seems to have his view about priesthood and everything religious which he expressed in his own way!

Thanks for the few nice moments we had, it really showed how kind you are and who you really are.


This is my opinion and it doesn't describe this person 100% and I might be 100% wrong.

Who's next? 😊😊😊

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wow, I am honoured. Thank you very much. Yes your description is Good. To me Offgrid Life was my original goal.

OG Life .... Offgrid, The Original (OG) Life

I started my Offgrid TV YouTube channel and Steemit blog many years go. My plan was to make movies about my journey to live off the grid here in Canada. However, The more I looked into this lifestyle the more I realized I could never afford it. The cost of Solar Power, batteries, generators was ridiculous.... also I noticed that all these people living off the grid here in Canada were cutting down all the trees for Firewood.....

They lived many miles from the City and spend all their time driving to town to buy supplies, cutting down trees, chopping firewood, driving to buy gas, propane, fuel to keep their generators going so that they don’t kill their batteries.....

So ... I decided I would continue to live outside the City but close enough to a grocery store so I could walk or bike there and not need a car.

I also decided to plant as many trees as possible so that it was like living in a mountain forest. I planted white pine, spruce, fir trees... Apple trees, blueberries .... etc.

I like to live outside the city but I do not want to rely on a car or fossil fuel.... so this is a new way of living OffGrid ... but still very much on the grid.

I will always be “On the Grid” since I will always need the Internet as a way to blog here on Blurt and buy all the Blurt of Hive-Engine.com https://hive-Engine.com

So my Steemit / Blurt name is a Paradox.... OffgridLife on the Grid .... ha ha ha.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I don't know about cold places like Canada where lives are too power-intensive. Here in tropical climate, it doesn't get that demanding. What's more, solar cells are becoming cheaper and cheaper by the day. Here even government is providing subsidy on installing and using solar power. With rising cost of electricity, solar power plants t pays back for itself in about a decade. Financial facility is also available to buy these solar plants. I never heard of damaging the battery when it drops below 80% charge. Although we ain't living offgrid, many people here use dual-powered supply. Summers produce surplus solar power that is supplied back to grid. We also use solar heaters for our hot water needs in Winters. And over 99% of the people do not use any heating system in their homes or offices.

Secondly, I ain't against harvesting of wood if you can re-grow more of it. Homesteads have sufficient space for planting more fuel as wood. We can also use some of the farm waste to produce bio-gas for cooking and heating. Even solar cooking can prepare at least one meal of the day ...and both if you eat during day time.

Off-grid life becomes more sustainable if you can grow most of your own food or can barter some of it with your neighbours. So you won't need to travel too much for your grocery needs. You can also use bikes and other eco-friendly vehicles when you need to travel. I believe, off-grid life becomes more sustainable if one follow minimalism, zero-waste and a more eco-friendly lifestyle. But it was interesting to read your account and perspective. Yes, off-grid isn't necessary when you can live sustainably on-grid. Why do people want to go off-grid?

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes... it is easier in warmer and sunnier climates. Offgrid living was a Huge fad here in Canada about 10 years ago... as people learned how expensive it was to install an Offgrid Solar System many decided to just reduce their consumption and that is a very good thing.

You never really lived the offgridlife too bad. I love the name so much and for some reason I can't stop calling that name offgridlife. My mother asked me today in a soft tone; what's offgridlife? I said it's a name of my friend and that's all, I couldn't say more. Offgridlife isn't that simple to live by your explanation. I dream about it also but can't attempt it here. Thanks for your comment!

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

The Batteries for the Offgrid Solar system are $1,000 each and you need about 20 of them .... https://amzn.to/3qMndYh

If you let the charge drop below 80% you Destroy the battery. You can never leave home if you run your Power on this system.


That's $20,000 lol that's, living offgridlife is quite more than normal living with people. That's expensive!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

We have lived off the grid during the summers.... in our Teepee on Lake Superior. But not in the winters. You need to burn too much firewood or run a Propane stove that uses too much fuel. It goes to -40 Celsius here sometimes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Would have loved to know more details about the person beyond the username. Can't you make a direct interview with all these people you wanna post about?
But I get it. You want to run away from crowd and yet, you're here introducing several people to us!

Unfortunately no I can't but I wish, I need more gadgets to be able to have a conversation or interview with any of them. I write about them without informing them, it's more like a surprise package geared towards appreciating them and the goal is met 100%.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

No, I didn't mean to use any gadget. You can do a text-interview too. Of course, surprise package is good for the one that's been interviewed but I was talking more from the readers' perspective. Anyway, do what you feel more comfortable with and whatever makes you happier. :slightly_smiling_face: