Who is megadrive? Blurt Personality part 5

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 


Captain of the ship 😎

Today after 7 days I decided to continue with my normal way of posting and I will be talking about @megadrive, the co-founder blurt blockchain.

I have written about the following persons and what I think is very wonderful very important and nice and unique about them and what I admire about them
And now @megadrive.

You can agree with me that Hive and steem are nice but there's something about those platforms that can easily piss you off. I joined steem a long time ago as a minor and someone who could only invest her time and no funds on the platform it was very difficult to earn on steem and even Hive for newbies. You needed to worship the whales and beg for you to get anything on that platform.
People will comment more on your post or vote if you have tons of steem power or Hive powe. OK enough of that for now let's focus on blurt and on @megadrive.
Blurt changed all of that, blurt has made it possible for everyone regardless of who you are and what you have. Everyone has a chance of making it here on blurt, a blockchain free from flags, blurt is open to everyone, equal opportunity is given to everyone.

What do you like about @megadrive ?
First off his simplicity. Have you ever tried messaging a 🐳 on Discord on steem or Hive? Haha you are basically trying to cook stones, they hardly respond to people they consider irrelevant. I am not asking you to send random messages to @megadrive but I just want to talk about how open he is and how simple and kind he is.
The way he responded to my dm was quite nice and encouraging and I have felt at home here. I hardly post on Hive or steem because blurt is my home and I feel loved here, everything I ever wanted on a blockchain is achievable on blurt.

When I went to him to ask to become a #blurtwomen ambassador he said it will be put out there for people to show interest and the winner decided later and to me that shows signs of someone who is just and who wants the right thing to be done without injustice and to follow due process. After I was made an ambassador he congratulated me and handed everything to me with instructions as well

Have you ever met a head of blockchain this involved on and off a blockchain like @megadrive?

He is involved both on the chain and off it interacting with it users
in a more lively way and listening to them as well. Him and @jacobgadikian have done really well organizing the chain and promoting it.

@megadrive, we love and care about you and we wish your platform our platform a wonderful and great and nice mooning days ahead.


This is my opinion and it doesn't describe this person 100% and I might be 100% wrong.

Who's next? 😊😊😊

Love Meli ❤️

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You're right, at blurt, things are different, I really feel good here at blurt, it's good to get people who are open to everyone and are not selective with just one group in particular.
We all have opportunities here and that's great.

Have a great day, dear.

You have said it all @blessed-girl and you are 100% correct. Thanks for your comment!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great post. Yes. Ricardo and Jacob do things differently. They are both super positive, kind hearted and open minded. They are willing to experiment and try different things. They will succeed where all others have failed because of their willingness to try new things.

100% yes, They will surely get to the destination. I like how blurt is. The flag thing destroyed steem and when Hive came many thought it will be over but no it was there. I like here!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Actually all the All star Top notch Downvoters moved to Hive. There is no downvoting on Steemit anymore ... but it also has no upvotes. Lol

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

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