@r2cornell who is this? Blurt Personality part 2 Edited

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago  (edited)


I started writing about very influential persons on blurt last week and my first pick was @double-u and I am happy the post was very successful as I expected.

I am not sure how long I was going to use blurt, my mind was on Hive and I posted more on Hive than any other place. One day I made a post that I wanted to buy $20 worth of blurt and the first person that replied was @r2cornell and I could tell immediately he was a good man who likes progress and not just that he is determined to help those who really want to grow. From selling blurt to me worth more than $20 for just $20 we became friends and talk about alot outside of blurt and beyond. Do you know that he @r2cornell after showing my interest in having a job he offered one here on blurt and asked that I work. Even when I was not doing it properly he took his time to put me through every step. I have never worked as a curator anywhere else until blurt and all thanks to him.

For people who grow up in places like mine you have to hustle for whatever you get and I am no exception. Do you know that people work miles to go to work under the scorching sun and all I do is stay indoors at the comfort of my room and work. That's more like work at home at your convenience. For those who usually see this message under thier post

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate.

Manually curated by @melissaofficial

Also, find us on Discord (https://discord.gg/BAn2amn)
logo3 Discord.png

I was given the keys to that account to work for him and to better my life. When you meet people like this in your life don't ever feel they can be found anywhere easily, people like this are rare and when you find one hold unto them tight and do no let go and do everything possible to make them happy and be in good terms with them always.

@r2cornell gave me all the reason to remain on blurt and surely that is paying at last. He has a Discord channel and despite his busy schedules always make out time to interact with everyone as long as you engage him. So many things I have benefitted from him but he will prefer I keep that to myself.

@megadrive and @jacobgadikian, I don't know the relationship you have with @r2cornell but he believes in this project more than anything and few times we have discussed about bringing his Hive and steem Spanish community to blurt and he is gradually doing that. Secondly @megadrive I don't know how long I will have to wait for an employment to work as one of your curator since it's becoming clear that @blurtwomen will not be given to me 😢😢😢.( thanks to @priyanarc for the info I am an ambassador of #blurtwomen yes! Yes!! Yes!! Appreciation post to follow)

I bless the day I came in contact with you @r2cornell.


This is my opinion and it doesn't describe this person 100% and I might be 100% wrong.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Beautiful post, definitely Mr. @r2cornell is an angel.

Mr r2cornell, he is the best boss I have ever had in my life, and a great friend. He is a person who likes to help others and he has particularly helped me a lot, he is one of those people who always thinks positively and I like that, he has a very different way of seeing things when one needs advice and that helps to maintain the calm. I always thank God for allowing me to meet mr @r2cornell and I pray that all his projects go well and that he and his family are blessed every day.

I am glad I came in contact with such a wonderful personality.


Never spoken to @r2cornell.

Want to set up a chat?

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

He is doing very well here!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Your post has been manually curated by @freevoter !! Keep sharing your quality content in Blurt Blockchain heart

FreeVoter is a curation program which aim to support quality content creator in Blurt Blockchain.You can support us by delegating your BP to @freevoter !! We are sharing 90% curation reward to our Delegators.Learn more about FreeVoter and join Discord server.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I guess you should check to blurt official discord channel to get an update about blurtwomen selection and check blurtcurators channel section...

Oh wow!!! 😅 I just saw that yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Thanks for the info

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@r2cornell always find good quality contain and always help new users

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for being included in one of your posts. I appreciate the kind words. I appreciate all the hard-work you, and other curators do for me and the curation project.

I self funded my curation project and always hope we make an impact on users as Blurt continues to grow.

Thank you always for everything. Thank you!