On a journey to raise $380 to get an IPhone X for blurt!

in blurtwomen •  3 years ago  (edited)


Let me be straight, I miss voting and interacting on blurt as I normally did and I am a bit feeling down because of this. I no longer vote for @r2cornell-curate and I can only imagine how many persons have not gained because of me not voting them. I am pained so much because I can't help my current situation but I keep hoping and praying I am able to achieve this.

One of the major problems I have with my current phone is that I multi-task it and it over heats and goes off easily and it can't serve me now, I left much of the work on #blurtwomen to @anggreklestari which I am feeling really bad because I can't help her now and I can't work for @r2cornell-curate, someone who made me grow on this platform and increased my earnings rapidly. I feel down to be honest and I am working to have a high spec mobile phone to assist me work for blurt and have fun as I have always done.
Blurt Personality which I normally wrote is on hold because I can't work again, I can confirm that I had to borrow a phone to post what I am writing now even and I chat anytime my phone comes on I am able to post and chat on Discord. I feel so down to be honest.😢😢😢
I wish to return to posting on my blog and doing what I love.
I wish to add the number of persons I have already posted about.

School reopened and things are a bit rough now and I am trying to be here as often as possible and give some time to my exams as it is at the corner.
I love all of you and I wish to come back as soon as possible.
Best wishes for the month of February and #blurt to the moon.

Love Meli ❤️

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Hi dear, I hope you can buy a phone soon, I understand how you must feel. I hope you go fine in the School :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope everything is okay with you. Sometimes we need time so don't worry about curation and contribution, come back when you have time for us...

Okay dear I will. I will be back as soon as possible best wishes

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your curation position is on hold until you are able to curate again

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate.

Manually curated by @r2cornell

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