From happiness to sorrow. A very short story

in blurtwomen •  3 years ago 


The last time I posted on blurt was my post about raising money in order to buy a new phone so that I can do more online activities and continue curating for #blurtwomen @r2cornell-curate and posting my blurt personality.

Few days after making that post someone reached out and offered a loan with few extra free cash to take care of myself which I was full of happiness and excitement and the person made sure everything went well with me so that I can continue doing what I love to do. A week letter my phone arrived and I had to leave a lecture we had just to stop at the post office and get it wrapped in a delivery box, full of excitement I couldn't even wait to get home before opening my package. Immediately a call came in that I had to return to the lecture hall because the lecturer said anyone who is not in attendance at his lectures won't write his assessment.

I quickly went home and opened my door and dropped the phone inside my house and went back to school for the lectures. On returning back behold my door was opened and they made away with my roommates laptop, some food items and my new phone😭😭😭. For two days I couldn't say anything as I was confused. The neighborhood has a history of people breaking into rooms and stealing stuffs but I never imagined this will one day happen to me. Me and my roommate paid for another room and was planning on moving to the new room that week before that happened because we never felt secured around there.

As I write this I have a debt to pay and I am back to level zero with an over heating phone that goes off at will and a poor battery.

This is what is going on with me for those who asked why I hardly come online.

Thank you to that person that made it possible for me to buy the phone even though I have lost it I say thank you.

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