Double-U. Who is this? Blurt Personality part 1

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago  (edited)

I will randomly choose individuals to feature in my posts and write a honest opinion on them and what they mean to blurt. I will write how unique they are because every human is unique in his own way and I will also write about how influential they have been.

If you don't feel comfortable with what I have written kindly send me a message on Discord and I will edit my post

Discord: melissaofficial#8212

Today's Pick: @double-u

Seems kind and very responsive to everyone on blurt and the way he is engaged in his comment section is what caught my attention.

How does he do that?

Take a look at these screenshots and tell me anybody with better comments on posts(engagement) than him?





How does he get so many persons to comment on his posts?

I don't understand that language he posts with and how I wish blurt makes it easy to translate that automatically to English or French or Spanish. On my guess would be that he gives out free money to those commenting on his posts, he makes them rich just by commenting 😂 😂 well that's a joke!

I still wonder what he talks about that has so many persons commenting on his posts I keep wondering. I will also guess he has bots that do automatic comments? Lol 😂 😂 okay that's what caught my attention, how special is this man?

What's so special about @double-u?

Okay I know one thing, he is like @dimimp that gave out money to people that had many under his posts to a level it became difficult to use a low end phone to leave a comment on his posts, that basically means your phone was going to freeze or crash or go off trying to do that. He goes where he is invited I guess you know what I mean by that. He responds to everyone regardless of who you are and what you do as long as you engage him you get a positive response.

Do people comment under his posts because he gives out so much votes?

The answer to this one is probably no, there's something about him I can't figure out maybe because I can't read what he writes.

Finally @double-u is a great man that does wonderfully well and is kind as well though I haven't seen him given out #2000 blurt as giveaway though maybe I will be the first to get that 😁😁😅.

Be good and this post is just to appreciate you and tell you that you are a role model to most of us here.

Who will be my next pick? I welcome and appreciate comments and suggestions

Love Meli ♥️


This is my opinion and it doesn't describe this person 100% and I might be 100% wrong.

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The language in which he publishes @double-u is "German", I speak Spanish but I use the google translator, to read the publications of any language, respond and even to make my publications both in Spanish and in english, in this way they can reach to those people who don't speak Spanish. For example at this time I used the translator to read your post and to write this answer.

One of the things that I like about @double-u's publications is that there you can ask anything you want about steemit, hive or blurt and they answer you there, they are very kind and they always give you some suggestions. There, not only @double-u answers, but everyone who has an answer to your question.

I have had the opportunity to ask some questions and the answers have been satisfactory, they have helped me a lot in blurt with their answers.

Thanks so much @blessed-girl for your explanation. I understand what he does now better thank you!

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

In short, it is a virtual pub. The users meet (many from Germany) and they discuss, ask, answer, laugh and what else you do in a pub. The post is divided into 2 categories :

  • Entertainment
  • Questions about blurt and crypto currencies etc.

We meet every Sunday at 20:00 and the pub is open practically the whole week. If you can't do Sundays you can come in another day and read, learn or ask questions.

As it is already written in the introductory text (English and German), this page should offer the possibility to leave questions and messages that would not fit anywhere else. That is the reason why the pub was made by Werner @double-u. It started several years ago on Steemit. After Steemit was forked there was a move to Hive. Now we are on Blurt and want to settle down here.

Guests like @jacobgadikian or @ericet also drop in.

Everyone is welcome and of course it will be English. This can be understood as an invitation.

Translated with (free version)

Thank you so much for the explanation on what he does, this made it a bit clear. Thank you my friend!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I have still edited it! I am glad if I could help

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Excellent. I need to drop by the Pub more often. Great Blurt content. Many from the pub are posting to the @BlurtMusic #blurtmusic Holiday Challenge. So am Finding lots of awesome new music there.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

@double-u is one of the men I look up to on this great Blurt Community.

Like I've said before in other comment section,
He may not be "one of the founders",
but to me, he is a major source of inspiration.
He is indeed my role model, and I know a lot of people here can boldly say so too.

Thank you for all you do @double-u
Keep up the good work!

You are right, he is doing really great. Thanks for your comment!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The pleasure is mine.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@double-u is an honorable man from Germany #Deutcht and a very well known here from here and the other blockchain, makes a very effective engagement technique which i do think we all have to get inspired in doing as well.

He also advocates in blockchain level engagement rather than talking to Discord because it just makes sense to socialize in here rather than somewhere else. @melissaofficial :D

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes, We are @melissaofficial I also don't know what he said in his post, and I think @doble-u is one of the great people in Germany, I saw the picture and tried to read the character through his friendly smile photo Even though I can't guess completely because I have never met him, he is a good person to everyone I think without choosing love. And hopefully that's true.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are right he is a cool personality. I think more persons should engage with him. Thanks for your comment!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes @double-u sir always support everyone to grow in this platform. He is Very helpful person. I want to Write something about @double-u sir in my profile.
Thank you so much sir for your support.

I am sure he will appreciate you for doing that my friend. Thanks for your comment!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much sir

@double-u has been always been distinctive with the blurt community and as such as won the hearts of many!
I am really glad @melissaoffcial had to come up with a such a wonderful post it is really worth it, you truly deserve the honors sir!

Yeah I picked him first because of how wonderful he really is and what he has done. You will immediately discover how kind he is when you come in contact with @double-u and few others! Thanks for your nice comment.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks a lot!

Two years ago I became a regular in the pub, good and not so good times we have experienced.

The pub made it easier for me to get started and I was allowed to take many positive things with me. When you experience good things, you feel the need to pass them on. Maybe this is the open secret of @double-u and its pub.

Thanks for this post Meli and best wishes

Great post my friend I really enjoyed it

Thank you my friend. I might just pick you next😅 Thanks for your comment

No problems 👍🏾 if you do pick me please make it nice lol keep up the good work

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi @melissa, it's good to know there is a Nigerian woman on blurt doing great exploit. This alone has giving me the faith and believe that I will surely thrive here. If you can do it then so can I. I love to get to know you better. I am still very new on blurt as I started blogging yesterday but I hope to know you better.

You re welcome my dear friend. Chat me on Discord. There's so much opportunity on blurt for everyone. Just do your thing and the price is there for you. Welcome!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

What's the discord link? I am not on discord or what's your name on discord so I look for you?


  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Now you have 18 comments.
I guess it could become 30 ;-)
That would be fine.
And it would be a new record for you.

Yeah hopefully looking forward to that thanks!!!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I think 30 comments are reached. Congratulation!
