Full-time Mom Tips - Wokeup Like This

in blurtwomen •  3 years ago 


Hello!!! Welcome to my full-time mom journey, I take this opportunity to give thanks to all mothers for your endless love and care, here are some tips and guide for us moms, I am not a professional, this tip is base on my experience on my journey being a mom. I hope you will get something good for me.

But before that, visit my last post it's about my small snack, good and nice food for a small family or even in big, that you will find it here Homemade Crispy Tuna Pie. In case you miss it.

Every morning I wake up, I am very thankful to God for the blessings the life, the strength, and the family we had. I wake up first before my children do, why? because if we are all awake simultaneously, that is tragic because my baby girl always wants me to carry her, and with that, it's hard for me to prepare things like cooking or washing with a baby in my arms when I try to bring my baby down she call me and sometimes cry for me begging to carry her again.



What to do in that situation?

  1. Check first the diaper, after a long night baby diaper may be full, and even if is not full STILL changed it, but I only use a diaper at night and when we go out, but when not, I use "katsa" cloth to rest her skin to avoid rashes.

  2. Take her a bath, make her feel fresh and calm.

  3. Breastfeed or feed some food like fruits or biscuits.

  4. When the baby calms down, you can bring the baby to the crib.


At this point, I can now cook our breakfast, and of course, make coffee for my husband, and her little brother a 5-year-old boy, with cereal and milk, but do it fast before the baby cry again, maybe this is not effective to you.

But for me, it works, and you can get used to it, and it's not that hard, the secret is "LOVE" if you do things with love you won't be mad or stress when things go wrong.


How about me?

If you notice me I don't have time to fix myself, that's the time when the "substitution" comes up LOL, just like a basketball game, now the baby and fathers time, my husband take my part to keep an eye on the baby, when I do my things, he backup. We don't have a babysitter to hire, we like to take care of them on our own.

Thank you to all fathers too, who are willing to help in times that in need.



This part is just a morning routine, do you imagine a day being a mom? a mother in a small family? how about a big family? a grandmother? we have to be thankful if you have a mother, please take care of them, and love them, with the sacrifice they make at least we give thanks to them, once again this is just in the morning after we wake, so watch out for the next episode of being a mom in a day.

1 day is not enough to appreciate the greatness of a mother.

Family That Stays Together is Better


See you, on my next blog.

God Bless!!!
Your full-time mom,

@lhen18 blurt footer.jpg

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Keep your love stronger every day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes keep going everyday.

What a beautiful family

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks hope to your family too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

salute to all full time moms out there!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes salute to us.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a happy family, don't forget to ask God's guidance in every steps you make.
God Bless Your Famil.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes right. Bless your family too.