The tables must turn

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

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Which chair do you find yourself seated in at the boardroom table? Is it the head? Or do you shun away from the spotlight?

I am of the opinion that our timid nature and meek spirit at times can deter us from taking charge at the office. Upon mentoring a young female which I recently brought on board, I found a lot of myself in her.

I decided to extend my hand by providing her with some self help tips to get noticed and not shun away from sharing her insights at meetings, I thought these tips will help some aspiring upcoming women out there.

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  1. Be relevant: Topical conversations are key and serve as a great conversation starter, stay relevant of hot topics in your industry which you can contribute to and have an opinion on.
  2. Ask for the advice of senior people: What do you think? I often find that asking people what they think on topics or idea's generate a safe inclusive environment for sharing. This is also another way in which you can lean in on the advice they provide.
  3. Find a mentor, people overate mentors, your mentor could be a powerful prominent female figure, or an author someone you can learn from.
  4. Lastly, become fearless: This is key to becoming a limitless leader, fail fast, remove the barriers of failure and embarrassment and put yourself forward.

The next time you walk into the boardroom pick your seat and pick your topic, share your ideas. This is the first step to becoming a fearless leader.

Stepping Out

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