The Imposter Syndrome

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

The Imposter Syndrome

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Defined as a psychological phenomenon where people begin to doubt their accomplishments. (Source Wikipedia).

Over the years this trend became more and more apparent in women who were placed in high positions as they began to doubt their worth and value in these hot seats.

In recent months, I found that the imposter syndrome which I once thought was a female psychological pattern, began to emerge from conversations held with male counterparts. I therefore spent some time reflecting in trying to better understand this "feeling" mildly put and how it affects women at work.

I took a deep dive into the history of this syndrome, in essence, the term was coined in an article dating back to 1978. The article reviewed the intellectual phoniness or fraud as you may call it across women in high positions. The facts deduce from this statement was brought upon by a survey conducted sample sizing 150 women in senior positions with academic accolades and apprised by many however they lacked an inward acknowledgement of their achievements.

Taking a snapshot of time, it is apparent that some women of 2020 still experience the same self perceived intellectual phoniness that was present in the women of 1978. This mental block is what prohibits women from excelling, moving onto greater heights. Inadvertently there might also be the general external factors at plat prohibiting women form taking the leap however it is clear that there is still some reflection and denouncements we need to make as women that is within our internal locus of control.

As women, we need a paradigm shift away from the victim mentality towards a victor mentality, assuring ourselves that we are here for a reason, we are not frauds of our path but creators of our destiny. The sooner we learn to debunk this syndrome the better equipped we are to empower other women on the same journey.
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To all the Blurtwomen, fix your crown stand tall and own your position as powerful future leaders.


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