The illusion of having it all

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

On the hot topic of women wanting it all, the operative question would be, what does "all" entail?

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Flirting with the idea of "having it all" seems harmless, but when we fixate ourselves with the proposition that we could potentially have it all this thus becomes a dream we attempt to make a reality. Unfortunately to our own demise.

So what does having it all mean? To me, it means ascribing financial assets and attaining a successful career whilst juggling a family at the expense of happiness. For me the idea of having it all does not excite me, as we are measuring ourselves to what society deems the height of success for a women. Essentially, having it all is a myth we tell ourselves. At the end of the day there is a price to pay.

So why do we want to have it all? We need to unpack the deep psychological roots this idiom is associated with thereby understanding if we want it all. My advice to women would be to create your own package of what "it all" means for you and not to conform towards the pressure of society but write your own path.

Debunk the illusion of having it all and adopt the mindset of wanting to live a happy life according to your standards.


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