The age old battle for women

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

Hey @Blurtwomen
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I was itrigued by viewing the engagements this week of two individuals being an older and younger women.

Contrary to my beleif I always presumed that and maybe it's in my nature to beleive the best in people but I though that older women will want to help younger women climbe the corporate ladder and not become threatened by them?
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This then lead me to beleive that there is definitely something systematically wrong with the way certain women are uplifting other women. As sad as it is, I though gender based workplace issues was the only inhibitor in terms of sex that we would have to face. I had no idea that it would be so difficult for other women to lend a helping hand.

This then allowed me to conduct some self reflection, I presumed that women who, in fear, deny to assist other women may have some hidden agenda's in their reasoning however at the least there may also be some underlining mental models that block their understanding.

Women need to stick together, we do that by:

  1. Generating womens groups in workplaces not to gossip but to uplift and mentor.
  2. Share ideas: Not to steal but rather to create an inclusive environment.
  3. Lend a helping hand, be it to listen ot assist we must support eachother if we want to change this narrative.

I do hope that we get over our insecurities and fear and stand together as women assisting eachother up the corporate ladder.

One Step at a time

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