Know your worth

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

A women’s worth
Source Image "She is worth far more than precious jewels" As the old proverb goes, women tend to disregard their true worth, be it in the workplace or life in general.

When we think of ascribing value to something, we often refine the parameters in which we can rate the item to determine its true value. Be it age or geographical location as a determinant.

So to, when we negotiate for a job, why is it that women tend to take what they can get, why don’t we ascribe the true value of our services, conduct market research and ask for what we are worth?

In life and love, how often do other people discredit our worth or is it a matter of us letting them? I believe the time has come for us women to believe that the time; energy; education; hard work we have vested in over the years amounts to something so when a relationship no longer serves its true purpose we need to think of it as drawing from our true worth and learn to exit in an amicable way.

If you strongly believe that you are worth more in your job, what are you doing about it to change your situation around? A safe place and a complacent spot are the most dangerous places to be, step out of your comfort zone, define your worth then add tax.


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