Barriers to Success

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

I often wonder if all the hurdles we jump as women is set out in the same fashion as that for me?

This image humoured me, and then hit me hard when the reality is that this image clearly depicts our daily hurdles.
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Taking a more scientific approach to this review, I found a survey posted by Wall street women as alluded to below and to my surprise 35% of women lack confidence in themselves. I wonder is this is attributed to the way women are perceived in the office, what holds us back from showing our true force? The second highest is where there is a lack of support, this for me is concerning, It shows that not enough opportunity is granted to women, on the reverse should I dare to ask why we are not making opportunities for ourselves? I am of the view that the 7% of women who is afraid to fail, their environment must surely be a tricky one, with minimal room for apologies, but how are we to lear and find these opportunities to build the confidence we need if we don't fail, fail often, fail fast and learn?

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These surveys range over the years, but one thing is constant is that women may be accepting these self inflicting barriers thereby prohibiting their accelerated growth. Lockdown has, to some extent provided a renewed view on what matters the most but I honestly believe that historically, the world of work was created by men for me. From the office hours to the lack of flexibility this all stems from a legacy issue. For me, Covid-19 has to some extent shifted the boundaries of how we work allowing that mother to spend time with those kids, this may be in itself breaking down those historic barriers.

All I know, it's up to us to rewrite our course in making those hurdles fair for all.


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Certainly we women have many obstacles, but we also manage to do great things.