Women Are Strong

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

Hello to all my dear friends. Today i would like to start writing my post with a beautiful Quote By Emma Stone

I can't think any Better Representation of Beauty ,
Than someone who is unafraid to be herself...!
By : Emma Stone

Women are strong...!
Why do people have to say this , We never Heard someone saying Men are strong.
Why do we have to tell that we , women are strong as well.
Why can't everyone accept that as the fact just like they do for men.

People are talking about Femenism. People say that Feminism is helping women in becoming strong , NO... Please...!
We are Already Strong , The main idea behind the feminism is not making women strong but to make aware the world that we are already strong.
The world just have to change the way they see this strength in women.

Have you ever questioned yourself that why we as a women has to prove things like we can do this we can do that , why...?
Its because we have given everyone liberty to question our talent , our skills our creativity.
Why is anyone bothered about us so much , Why can't People just keep their nose out of our life.

There are some misconceptions about Islam in the mind of people as well like women are not allowed to work , they are limited to household work only , they are not allow to get education etc etc.
First of all it's not about any religion , There are many places in this world where women irrespective of anything is not allowed to take education.

And I am born Muslim as well , And i have studied Islam very well ALHAMDULILLAH. If i can do anything and follow the rules provided to me by the god , who is anyone to stop me.
I have done Islamic Studies for years , I am also doing B.A and i am in the last year of my course. I am also on blurt writing stuff supporting women.(Thanks to my love who is always helping me and supporting me).

Do you Know Why are Women Strong...?
Because even after everthing that comes after them they come out as a warrior , who fights each and everything in their path.
In the today's world what is the thing women has not done...?

They are teachers , athletes , actors , businesswomen , role model , minister , doctor , scientist , programmer , developer , and the list goes on and on.

Do you know , what we really need to do...?
We need to education. The Awareness about what all has women achieved already.

We need to educate our son such that he knows that he should respect the human beings , and obviously he first has to consider women in that list.

Never Give Up , I just want to say every women reading this that believe in yourself , you can do it say it to yourself and please never give up.
I dont wan't to offend anyone here , i know there are good as well as bad people in the entire world.
So your reaction to this post will tell , who are you...? A good or a Bad Being.

That's it sisters , i have said enough.
I would like to thank @blurtwomen, as i can share my views here.
Actually everyone should raise their voice here.
Thank You to all.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@kahkashanrkploy thank you for your post and encouragement!

most welcome 🙂