Freedom Of Choice is Your Basic Human Right

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago 

Do You know as a human you have some basic human rights.

And if that is true and people consider women as human than these rights belong to women as well.

Anyways , Out of many of the human rights one of then is Freedom Of Choice. It means that you have right to choose , and no one can force you to choose something.

Be it Education you want to pursue or religion you want to follow or dress you want to wear or anything else , It is your basic human right.

Yes people have right to have opinion about what is the best religion or what is the best dress to wear or what is the education someon follow but they don't have the right to make people believe about what they believe.



For example I am a muslim and i wear Hijab and Naqab but on the other hand it is my choice and yes i do think that it is the best dress to wear but i can't force any other girl to wear the Naqab or Hijab.

If someone is wearing a jeans and i think it's not right to wear that , then it's my opinion and the person wearing jeans or any other style is her right to choose.

So we all can have different opinion , we can follow that as well , we can even tell about our opinion to all but yes we can't force anyone to accept or believe the same thing as us.

So , tell your children and parents about this right.
Spread Awareness among the people , don't select the path of violence and try to teach the other person with love.

A right thing said in a bad manner won't effect the person so stay calm and patience and then spread awareness.

So next time someone forces you to do anything just remember you have right to choose and no one can force you.

That's all about today , if you want to bring the change to world start spreading awareness.

Thank You

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