Blurt Women - Control our Life

in blurtwomen •  4 years ago  (edited)


I have learned Blurt from people who are posting articles there for a while. Today is my regular day off, so I went to Blurt World to explore. So many interested articles were posted by the people around the world, especially the articles wrote by Blurt women. They wrote single woman’s life, married woman taking care family, working woman dealing in work environment… It makes me want to write something of the Blurt women too.

Today is my first time to write article posting to Blurt. I have finished my first one about the flower of peony writing Chinese. I learned and spoke Chinese in my early life and learned English after, so I speak and write English much longer. I write this article using English, so more readers can read.

I was single quite long until early thirty, and those times were so free and enjoyable. I went out anytime with my friends having fun. I remember one of my friends always said night still young. She called me at 10pm and wanted to go out for a drink, and I told her coming over to pick her up. At the time we already finished college and made good money. On the long weekend, we drove to Las Vegas to watch show, went to night club, and ate expensive buffet. Life was so good!

After turning to thirty, I got married and had two beautiful kids. My life had shifted to completely different mode, focusing kids. Life was much busier, not just going to work full time, coming home still cook for the family and took care the young kids. Every night after the kids fell to sleep around 8:30pm, I finally felt the time was belong to me. I could read, watch TV, and even call my parents. That time period was tough, but seeing kids grow up was a wonderful thing.

Luckily, I was holding a job in the flexible environment that I could handle smoothly. When the kids were getting older, I had to take them here and there. This daughter told me to take her to school on Friday night, and other one needed to take piano lesson. I asked my boss for couple hours off, and she never rejected me. Of cause in return, I always tried my best to support her.

To be a woman is not easy, no matter in what stage. But if we are strong, work hard, and independent, we can control our life. Do you agree?

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I agree. This is true for both woman and men.