Hello dear...
In this post, while im bathing in my gloomy mood i wanna talk about my personal insecurity.
This topic occurs to me when i saw this photo of mine.
You might thinking, hmmm, nothing wrong with this photo.
Yes i know, but for me, its just a reminder if what i am insecure about.
In this particular photo of me sitting, it shows one of my insecurities, that is my side profile.
I am insecure about my side profile.
I dont like to be seen in my side profile.
Thats why when im sitting with my friends or with my lover, i always prefer to sit face to face rather than side to side.
What is it that i dont like about my side profile?
Number one of that would be my chin.
My chin is short and not pointy.
When we look at my face as a whole, it makes me looks like i an top heavy.
The bottom part of my face looks so short and unbalanced.
I always jealous of people that have beautiful chin.
The next one would be my double chin.
I just dont like the fact that i always have double chin no matter what weight i am in.
Even when i am in 38 to 40 kg, its still showed clearly.
Next, my forehead.
I dont like that my forehead shapes weirdly.
If we look at it, we can see that there’s something like a bump right on too of my eyebrow.
I dont know why its like that but it doesnt make me feel good looking at it in side profile point of view.
Next is the line on my lips to my jaw.
Its more like a cheek fat maybe?
But it makes my impression to always looks gloomy and not kind.
Next is my jawline.
I dont have a define jawline.
Though I understand that have a soft jawline like mine means that i have a more feminine facial feature.
So for this one, i kinda understand but while it combined with my short chin, its just doesnt look good for me in side profile view.
Next, is the shape of the top of my head.
Look at it, since i have a thin hair, it became so obvious.
My head just looks oval and so weird for me to see that.
If i have a more dense hair than i can hide my head shape.
For this, i think a lot about using an extension or wave my hair to hide them.
So, what is my supposedly good side profile?
Please understand that everyone have different taste and im not saying What i like is the best.
But, this is what i believe to be the most pretty to look at.
Cr : https://aminoapps.com/c/wjsnujung/page/blog/appreciation-post-bonas-side-profile/78r0_6jIPua32LzJM5JwwRD7qQEVnke7bG?_gl=11boqen9_ga*YW1wLUVNNm9WbFBRLXcyY3pQTERDX0pWSnhPVDUxcGxhNVgtc3hqS0hVSGhQOHZxVlVmenVIZHdEaGdZeGV0dUtpYzA.#media-f581f108
This is WJSN Bona.
I choose her because our side profile have some similarity but she have it better than me.
As we can see she had the same bump on top of her eyebrow, but not so much.
She has quite short chin but its pointy and located in the right place so its pretty and balanced her face.
Though her jawline is very feminine and not defined at all, its still very sharp looking.
Bona’s side profile is the way upgraded version of mine.
But in general, this lady have the best side profile in my eyes.
Look at her forehead and chin, its so pretty.
I dont even need to explain anything with how beautiful her side profile are.
I am insecure about my side profile, but it doesnt mean i wanna do plastic surgery to fix that or it makes me embarassed for my face.
I am very much thankful to God to give me my face.
Though i feel grateful, as a human normal being i think its normal to feel insecure about things.
In other people eyes, i might sounds ignorant and ungrateful.
But i really do grateful while accepting that i am not perfect.
We can be both and its okay.
What others see may be totally different than what you see or believe. You are a beautiful young lady and whatever profile is taken will not change that fact.
Thank you very much. I try to appreciate myself while understand my lack. I think that way we can helo ourself to not be arrogant with what we have.