9 drying days / Test smoke / Day One Curing

in blurtweed •  2 years ago 


Well that was a little faster than what I was hoping for. Only 9 days of dry time but every stem was snapping when its done.

The reason you want to dry this slowly is to prevent ammonia from dead bacteria to form. Otherwise get ready for some serious coughing. Cannabis, when done right, can still be a bit rough to smoke, but very much smoother than when it is improperly dried and cured.


I yielded 115grams from this plant. Should be enough to keep me pain free for a good while and have my functionality at par with the average seniority group.

I have tested it as is without curing done yet. Has just what I expected. Slightly high but more low as they say.

I am more focused on the bodily effects. I took one bowl from the water pipe and after 1 minute i was already feeling the mild high. Then after 5 minutes my face was feeling the tingling. Pain levels dropping, my shoulders no longer feel soar and my lower back is feeling good enough to move around fluently. To me that is strong weed. Definitely kush title worthy.

I can't wait to try it each day and see its progress.

With each day I will take a popcorn sized amount and this will last me a very long time. I won't even have the need to grow again for a long time after the rest is done growing. Many are still the in the vegetable stage.

I do need to get mason jars. Which I have zero cash for. So I am asking from family members to donate their empty coffee glass jars. I will vacuum seel pack what I won't use and freeze it and make concentrates along side aswell.



Sorry for the low quality pictures.

Heres an older one.

Taken by my mother many years ago before digital phones was a thing.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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