First of all, I have updated my tool and move to a new site, BlurtBlock
Don't be scared 😂
It is pretty much the same thing, just updated the background image and colors lol.
This week we gave out 74 votes to #blurtutorials posts.
There were a lot more than the last week!
You can see all our stats here
2 great tutorials!
Create Blurt Account for a friend
Verschlüsselte Nachricht senden / Send encrypted message
How to create new blurt account?
Tutorial - Create Ionomy account - Send Blurt to the Exchange Ionomy from our Blurt Wallet
【Blurtutorials 教學帖】怎樣從Hive兌為Blurt幣,Hive-Engine 使用教學
Started a javascript quiz series. You can get upvotes from @blurtutorials for doing this.
I made 2 tutorials this week 😅
How to Blurt 101: BLURT -> STEEM Conversion (Steem-Engine)
How to Blurt 101: STEEM -> BLURT Conversion (Steem-Engine)
Thank you everyone for posting guides and tutorials!
Hope to see more posts next week and don't forget to use #blurtutorials tag!
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Congratulations to all the people whose tutorial got selected here.
@honoru , @tomoyan ,@michelangelo3 , @kamranrkploy , @mima2606 , and @riyann.
Keep it up☺️.
Thank you!
Thanks for @blurtutorials support.
Thank YOU for posting tutorials every week. We see more Chinese tutorials 👍 popping up lately.
Thanks i am appreciated 🥰😍🤩
Thank you for your post 🙂
Vielen Dank! Machen die Tutorials auch richtig Spaß und ich freue mich wenn ich anderen dadurch helfen kann und das in den Kommentaren sichtbar wird.
Thanks a lot! I also really enjoy the tutorials and I am happy if I can help others by doing so and that becomes visible in the comments.
Yes, we need a lot of help from everyone and posts like yours will help other Blurt members! @mima2606 :)
Thank you very much!
Thank you! This will be useful when creating an introduction post for BLURT on my blog.