Let's Learn Photography: "Making Long-Exposure photos"

in blurtutorials •  4 years ago 

With the addition of advanced features to the modern-day camera or DSLRs, there has been advancement in the kind of photography styles that a photographer can create.

One of which is Long-exposure photography. A style that is also known by the names time-exposure or slow-shutter photography. The technique is done by setting the camera to Manual or Bulb mode and use a slow shutter speed, the effect is best observed when the shutter speed is set to around 5 - 30 secs.


By doing this, the camera has to be steady, a tripod is helpful in this set-up. The result of the image is characterized by the blurring effect of the elements in the frame that are moving while keeping the static elements sharply captured. What is the best usage of the long-exposure technique?

There are many simple scenes that are made astonishing with the use of the slow-shutter technique.

1. Light Trails photography

These are scenes that are mostly captured at night. The low light condition at night compliments the distinct artificial lights from the street lamps or the driving vehicles along the street.


2. Steel Wool photography

It's achieved by the use of burning steel wool that is spun in mid-air. The act of spinning will release the hot embers through the air which creates the array of lights from the center of the spin.


3. Light Painting

In a similar way as light trails & steel wool, light painting is also achieved through the use of a slow shutter speed setting. The only difference is the use of handheld light that is used to paint or draw in mid-air.


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