How to Install NodeJs for Ubuntu Using Terminal

in blurtutorials •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone ,

In this post we will se that how can we Install Nodejs using terminal in Ubuntu O.S . So follow along and learn it.

Steps to follow

Step 1 : Open the terminal on your system. ( control + alt + t )

Screenshot from 2020-12-12 19-18-29.png

Step 2 : type npm install nodejs and press enter.

Screenshot from 2020-12-23 00-24-26.png

Step 3 : now nodejs will be installed on your system.

Screenshot from 2020-12-23 00-24-50.png

This is not so difficult , you can install it easily. you use commands like sudo apt upgrade/update also for latest versions but anyways you can use above method as well.

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