Blurtutorials with tutorials on Git... so let us learn What is Git and why is it used...?

in blurtutorials •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone , How are you all...?
I hope everyone is doing fine and having a great New Year.

I will be writing tutorials about git and it uses , installation etc for next few days.
Today we will learn about what is Git and why is it used...?

So there are two way possible i can explain it the readers about git.

  1. First I keep it fully technical
  2. In easy language understandable by any person.

So I will try to stay in between.



Git is one of the most widely used version control. Version control simply means a tool that is used to track the version and have control over it.

For example :

  1. a empty file can be referred to as the version one of that file.
  2. suppose you added few lines in the file and saved it , you can call it version 2 of the file as it is now updated.
  3. now let suppose you keep updating the file daily for next one month and save it. you will have 30 version of the same file.

Now if i ask you to tell me what was the status of file at version 17...? can you tell...?
Probably not , here is when git version control comes into play and helps you out.

If you initialise a folder as a git repository and then keep saving the staus of your file regularly for thirty days you will have 30 different version of the file to which you can switch by using simple git commands.

In simple words git helps a person to make a record of file even if it is updated n number of times. That person can switch or come back to any version whenever required.

It will be more clear in coming tutorials about how we use git and why it is so helpful.

You can vote for my witness at : kamranrkploy

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