Just some small philosophical perspectives ...

in blurtupvote •  3 years ago 

You have the shekeli, you have the BP or SP or HP ... then you can post in most of the cases ... whatever you want and you'll receive maximum remunerations ...

This for me sounds like a Neo format of a new society based on meritocracy ...

I've seen weird sketches that even a child of 5 years old would create better, receiving hundreds of $$$ on hive ...

I can see everywhere that you need to buy #audio tokens if you want to EARN the badge of bronze/silver/gold and the most funkier the platinum one :)))


Whoever think that especially through these times, an artist has millions of shekeli to spend ... maybe you shall think again ... And, here i mean, the true artists ... those who really "play" an instrument ... I don't want to jump in this silly subject but i think you know what i mean ...

Unfortunately, i can see this meritocratic trend on every platform of this blockchain that is developing day by day ...

The meritocratic society within the perfect Matrix :)

Enough to say anything else :)

Ciao a tutti ...

Don't waste your #blurt to upvote my blogs with $$$ millions :)) and to follow everyone who follows you ...

Be ignorant, selfish ... 'cause without sefishness, the selfie photos are not cool :)

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