The 3 T's of life.

in blurtulogs •  3 years ago 

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Yesterday during the service, the preacher could not talk more due to the time factor as most of the service yesterday was used for thanksgiving but he gave an outline of what we wanted to say and I was able to understand them at a glance.

This life is full of principles both known and unknown. There are certain steps that we all know about and there are those that you will not even have an idea of what it is but most of these principles have been tested and proven to be true. Note that not all principles will work for you. Some will require you to adapt it while you will only need to adopt some hook, line and sinker.

One of the principles which I called the Life Hack is the 3 T's of life.


This is very rare and there are lots of misconceptions about it. Some people will tell you that talents are only available to few people like those that can sing, those that can play football naturally, those that can draw among others.

Yeah,all these are talents but that does not mean you as a person does not have a talent as well.

If you really go deep into what talent is, you will likely understand that everyone is talented.

The 9 types of intelligence as theorized by Gardner in his book called Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, is a great tool to find your individual strengths and weaknesses. And the scientific concept behind it is simple.
Gardner’s view on intelligence states that there are 9 abilities that simply make us the intelligent beings that we are today and these 9 are musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and existential.

Understanding yourself is a talent, understanding others is a talent.

If all these can be categorised as talents, then is there anyone on earth that does not have one?


This is widely common and known by all. Regardless of who you are and where you are, you can't have more than 24hours in a day.

Though some people might be in the day while some might be at night but above all. We did not have more than 24hours.

It is a constant phenomenon.


This cut across your finances and every source of income available to you. It even include your knowledge because they are all treasures which must be safeguarded.

They must be wisely spent and every single dime must be accounted for.

Irrespective of what you are the doing, something must fe available for you among these 3 T's.

Getting it right.

To be successful in life, you must be ready to either use one out of the three T's or combination of two or all the three.

First, let me start with your talent. If you did not know that you have a talent, I hope you know now. There is something unique about you that others is finding it difficult to do.

Yours might be your reading capability. It might be how you relate with people, it might be your understanding of your environment and it might be any of the well known talents like being a musician footballer, an artist among others.

Whatever it is that you are good at, make it a decision to affect life with it. Remember that success is not all about you alone, it is about others. Football get paid because they entertain millions of people at a time.

Before you can get to the point of making as much as you want from your talent, you must have developed it. A raw gold is not valued like a refined gold. Develop yourself.

Time is another option that you have in order to be successful but it must be traded for the kind of life that you aspire. You will have to work extra hard so as to be able to affect life. A good example is a salary earner who works for days so as to get paid at the end of the months. If asked, the person will have other things that he or she wants to achieve but his time was traded for something.

Same thing goes to every writer here, truth be told, even if writing is your passion, there are times when you will want to just sit down and relax without doing anything but the thought of your bills will get you up at night making research or getting your next post ready.

Time must be exchanged if talents did not work.

The last one being treasure in term of finance must be invested but even at that, don't invest on what you did not understand so your time is even needed. It must be traded for your knowledge about what you invest on.

Combining any of these three will work but in a situation whereby treasure is not available for you, you will have to use your talent and time

You will have to exchange what you have naturally for what you need in terms of talent and time.

What determines success is not the volume of what you know but the application of what you know.

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am


Cross posted from my blog

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