September 14th, 2020: Wildfires, Smoke and Lacking Motivation — Blurt Ulog No. 3

in blurtulog •  4 years ago 

Here in the Northwestern USA where we live we have been having an alarming number of major forest fires.

Late summer and fall is always fire season here, but this year it has been particularly sudden and bad. 1.6+ million acres (+/- 6500 square kilometers) have burned, and thousands of properties destroyed, in the path of the fires.


Smoke... and Lethargy

Although the active fires are not close to where we live, we are sitting under a dense layer of brown smoke. It is stagnant here because there is not even a trace of breeze. It just sits here.

Our air quality has been in the "Very Unhealthy" range for four days, now. Even though I am staying inside where the air is a little filtered, breathing this stuff non-stop has given me an ongoing sensation of burning eyes, along with that feeling we have "just before we get a headache."

I had many things I wanted to get done, but I just can't seem to concentrate!


The Layers of Bad News

I suppose the cumulative effect of the world also has something to do with it.

Not only are our movements somewhat restricted due to the whole Covid-19 thing, but now we not only can't go outside due to bad air quality... we sit inside and look out at constantly gloomy days, and breathe unhealthy air.

I think even the best of us would have a difficult time staying cheerful and productive under such conditions!

What's more, no significant wind or rain is forecast until Wednesday... of next week.


Even WRITING Feels Lackluster!

Normally, I enjoy catching up on my writing projects, when I don't feel like doing anything else. At the moment? Not so much. It's not that I don't feel like writing, but the difficulty concentrating is putting me off.

I think I might try to "clear my head" by going and standing in a very hot shower for a while — maybe the steam can clean out some of the dirty air from my brainspace!

At least... it feels like it would be worth a try.


Blurt.World Broken?

In the meantime, I got a bit worried because the front end seems to have been down or offline for a couple of days.

Hopefully, it's just because someone is working on updates/upgrades. The fact that Blurtter is up and running suggests to me that the Blurt blockchain is still going.

Just not in the mood for any more disappointing news!

Hope everyone out there is doing well!

Hope YOUR weekend was a good one! And I hope you're not in a wildfire zone. Leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! So share your opinion, be part of the conversation!

Sequence: 014 — Timestamp: 2020.09.14 - 13:43 PDT

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. NO CROSS-POSTING!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Who knows about @sct.blurt????

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That's pretty cool to know. Too informative post. Thank you dear

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I am in the same boat as you in Northern California. Let's cheer up each other.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Well, we finally had rain overnight here... and that makes a difference on many levels. This morning the air quality still sucks, but at least the sun is poking through the murk a little!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I wish your path on blurt platform be smooth...
Happy journey on blurt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for voting @Yehey as one of your Witness.

By the way, visit website your alternative front-end access to the blurt blockchain.
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I configured the servers with load balancing that automatically steer visitors to live site. Hopefully you will not experience any down time during our maintenance. This is one of my Witness project supporting our community.

Cheers for now.