The Ironies of Contemporary Human Life

in blurttribe •  6 months ago 

I can't help but notice the ironic life we all lead today when I see people walking by me in a busy area and I'm just sitting there in the midst, like an invisible presence.
The average person's modern lifestyle differs so much from what it was even a century ago that it begs the question of how we came to be in our unstable system today. How is it that despite making such great progress, we ended up taking a few steps back?

We belong to the most comfortable generation ever, but we also seem to be the most miserable. How can that be? Remember that I am speaking of the entire world, so please, if you are from a country where the majority of people are happy, try to see the world from a wider perspective.

The definition of "rat race" according to a dictionary search is "an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit." That sounds a lot like the lifestyles that most people lead, doesn't it? Look at the way we begin our days, the routines we follow all day long, and the way we consistently end the day feeling completely exhausted before going to bed.

But that's not the depressing part. Not by a long shot. The true irony is that we go through all of that with the expectation that we won't have to in the not too distant future. that once we achieve our objectives or financial independence, there will come a day when we can leave the rat race.

Furthermore, what do you know? That time never comes. Not for the majority of the population, anyway. We find ourselves in such a convoluted maze that it is nearly difficult to escape. The depressing thing is that entering the maze is now the only option.

In addition to being in a never-ending race against time, we also lead incredibly shallow lives in which we take actions that have no true significance in order to appear more important than other people.

That means that after all that effort, it is all for nothing. It's not just pointless; you have to work even harder to earn the same amount of money, which makes your life even more unhappy. As like making a living wasn't challenging enough.

At times, I question whether we are genuinely sentient beings or merely a species with some degree of intelligence. The way we live now definitely suggests that it's the latter.


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