in blurttribe •  last year 

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Hello, Hive pals I'm new to the platform, but I'm slowly learning it and integrating myself into it. I used to write in college for the jobs I constantly had, and now that I'm here, I'm picking it back up since I realized I was missing it.

When I first joined this group, I saw that a particular subject is discussed every month, which piqued my interest since I wondered: What do I think about indifference? I then began to consider it.

I'll start by saying that indifference is made up of a lack of interest that can be shown towards another person, thing, subject, or even oneself. Emotional factors affect how indifferent people behave, and I believe that the person who exhibits it is aware of this. Additionally, I believe that there are two versions of indifference when it pertains to another person: that of the one who exhibits it and that of the one who is the recipient.
Do we do it knowingly or subconsciously, which was my main concern.
I began to wonder whether indifference might be practiced consciously or subconsciously, that is, if there is a chance that the person doing it is unaware of it.

I believe this is the case because there are instances when our senses may fail to detect a stimulus or be ignorant of a topic, leaving us uninterested or oblivious of it. The thing that stands out in this situation is not the person who is being indifferent, but rather what is being indifferent, which in the case of a person may perceive the lack of interest as deliberate. The individual who is given the label of indifference is ultimately the one who uses it.

When we send a text message and wait a day for a response, as an example, we may assume that the recipient is not interested in us. However, it may turn out that they were unable to view the message. In this instance, there is no reaction to the message, which is taken to mean disinterest.

Conscious indifference I believe the highest level of indifference is when a person is aware of the circumstance yet has no emotional attachment.
The latter kind of indifference, on the other hand, I define as when a person is aware of the situation, has a connection to it emotionally, but their action disregards their emotions and they react indifferently.

I'll give an illustration where the three sorts of indifference I outlined may be seen to help clarify this.
on the picture, an old person is lying on the ground on the street while onlookers go by. That is to say, there are individuals who exhibit indifference and those who do not.

Case 1: There may be those who are in a rush and fail to notice her existence. If they fail to see her, they will be unable to elicit any feeling, which results in apathy. These folks could care less about the lady.

Case 2: A person passes her by but shows no pity for her predicament, so she walks on unobserved. demonstrating her disregard for how the lady perceives it.

Case 3: though a person sees her and feels empathy for her but does nothing, his action likewise demonstrates indifference, even though he has been moved to emotion. We can only admire the conduct, which is still apathy, once again.

Case 4: A person notices her, feels compassion for her, and takes action, like bringing her a food, some cash, chit-chatting, among other things. In the last instance, conduct and empathy go hand in hand, and neither party is apathetic.

With the help of these examples, I hope to have improved my ability to describe this subject. Understanding that we can only observe behaviors and cannot know what the thoughts or feelings of people are is something I would like to save from all of this. So, one way to handle these circumstances is to talk about them, express our discomfort if they are unresponsive to us, pay attention if someone says we have a tendency to be unresponsive, question ourselves if necessary, foster empathy, pay attention to the other person, and do your best to provide assertive responses.

I really enjoyed discussing this with you and I hope you found it interesting. I appreciate you reading it.

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